Just for the Hell of it!!!!


Fugitive From Reality
Yes very nice , right off of 495 all of Chelmsford nice area , if staying in motel ,,, do not book in Lowell
Lowell has really nice areas too. Belvidere, the highlands.

We drove through my grandparents neighborhood Saturday. I forgot how nice it was.

But you're correct in that I wouldn't stay in a hotel in lowell.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to him.

Should he get the job, that's a really nice town.
Would be a great place to raise a family.

His GF lives 4 houses down from my daughter in a nice neighborhood close to Albany (NY). It would be about a 3 hour commute. The job is a 4 x 10 gig so he would find an apartment nearby and commute back and forth on his 3 day weekends.

She works in HR at a major hospital in Albany and just bought the house that she lives in.

This, of course, assumes that he even gets the job.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Don’t know how you guys do it up there. Winter in Boston sounds terrible.
We are used to it !
But you know what , I can’t complain , I wake up after a storm , shovel out and snowblow driveway , may be out of work for a day , may loose power a few days or cable ,, but you know , my house is still standing ,, after what people loose in tornadoes or hurricanes, I’m thankful for my minor inconvenience up here !!