You could quit? How much is being a non-nazi worth? 100k? free health insurance? I get your point and masks are a joke, but how much is it worth to ya to stand firm in your freedoms? We all have to go through this and we all know this has everything to do with political blowback. If the maskholes in the company went to the press to tell the world that UPS isnt requiring its employees to wear masks, not only do you deal with maskholes but the president thats become buddy buddy with our CEO. If you want government contracts and money, you play by their rules.
And so, if they ask you to get the shot, with 1-2 yearly boosters, would you then continue to comply? and what if thats not enough? and then that? Do you see the dangerous trajectory of this? I'm not saying that one guy should be a rebel and think he can make a difference, but I KNOW we have strength in numbers and seriously, we need to put a

ing end to this medical tyranny and apartheid. Vaccinated only and unvaccinated only sounds an awful lot like something else from our history lessons. We absolutely repeat our mistakes until we learn our lessons. Its so sad to me. Many people apply your stance (which I TOTALLY understand), but at some point, what if none of that matters anymore?