Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Last year trump had the whole country shut down. Record unemployment, schools closed, no live sports, no vacation travel. Now President Biden has given us the vaccine and everything has turned around. Just like a miracle.


Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
The Governors shut down the states on the advice of the trump regime. The buck stops at the presidents desk. The oil and gas industry is doing fine except for the hurricane that just came through. Illegals have been crossing the border for decades and were just recently encourage by right wing reports of open borders. Which is a lie. Inflation is nowhere near 9% and the economy and stocks are at record highs. Relax Chicken Little. The sky is not falling.
How can you believe anything you just said? There’s this thing called states rights. Most of the states made the decision to close. Florida did not. There was no presidential order.

What do you know about the oil and gas industry? I live in the heart of oil country. I have family that works in the oil field. All you know is what you hear on CNN.

So you think that Biden is not to blame for opening the borders? It’s the Republicans fault for reporting on it and bringing the issue to light.

Notice how you have nothing to defend your dear leader on Afghanistan because you know it’s a tragedy.


Inordinately Right
No, this is a prime example of the stupid low information democratic base.
He regularly puts his Trump derangement syndrome on display in the current events forum. As Biden's administration has unfolded as an unmitigated failure, his posts have descended into complete clown world status.

If he's not trolling then he's completely lost his mind. I guess neither would surprise me.


nowhere special
He regularly puts his Trump derangement syndrome on display in the current events forum. As Biden's administration has unfolded as an unmitigated failure, his posts have descended into complete clown world status.

If he's not trolling then he's completely lost his mind. I guess neither would surprise me.
TDS. There is no cure.

Netsua 3:16

Some more conspiracy nuts:

I would walk up to every one of them and breath right in their face.
Like when little kids try to fog up the windows.
“Oh I’m so persecuted cause I have to cover my nose and mouth in public for a year, my rights! My rights!”
Freaking Karens. Conservative Karens are the scariest because they are the dumbest. And most assertive.


Well-Known Member
It's worth some dignity
you arent going to find 6 figures and free healthcare driving for anyone else bud. You know that, the other drivers here know that. Thats why a UPS package truck driver is a retirement opportunity. Most of the people driving these trucks wouldnt have ever seen such benefits otherwise doing anything else.


Well-Known Member
I would walk up to every one of them and breath right in their face.
Like when little kids try to fog up the windows.
“Oh I’m so persecuted cause I have to cover my nose and mouth in public for a year, my rights! My rights!”
Freaking Karens. Conservative Karens are the scariest because they are the dumbest. And most assertive.
We don't care if you breathe in our faces, because we're not scared of covid.


Well-Known Member
you arent going to find 6 figures and free healthcare driving for anyone else bud. You know that, the other drivers here know that. Thats why a UPS package truck driver is a retirement opportunity. Most of the people driving these trucks wouldnt have ever seen such benefits otherwise doing anything else.
They're also all on their third wives. They can't retire because of alimony checks, and will never golf in retirement because of bad knees and backs. Then they will die at 68 from an unhealthy lifestyle fueled by a toxic job.

Leaving UPS would be the best thing for most drivers.


Well-Known Member
They're also all on their third wives. They can't retire because of alimony checks, and will never golf in retirement because of bad knees and backs. Then they will die at 68 from an unhealthy lifestyle fueled by a toxic job.

Leaving UPS would be the best thing for most drivers.
Gotta agree with you here. The money's hardly worth it when you're never home.

El Correcto

god is dead
In 1884, the French microbiologist Charles Chamberlandinvented the Chamberland filter (or Pasteur-Chamberland filter) with pores small enough to remove all bacteria from a solution passed through it.[24] In 1892, the Russian biologist Dmitri Ivanovsky used this filter to study what is now known as the tobacco mosaic virus: crushed leaf extracts from infected tobacco plants remained infectious even after filtration to remove bacteria. Ivanovsky suggested the infection might be caused by a toxinproduced by bacteria, but he did not pursue the idea.[25] At the time it was thought that all infectious agents could be retained by filters and grown on a nutrient medium—this was part of the germ theory of disease.[4] In 1898, the Dutch microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck repeated the experiments and became convinced that the filtered solution contained a new form of infectious agent.[26] He observed that the agent multiplied only in cells that were dividing, but as his experiments did not show that it was made of particles, he called it a contagium vivum fluidum (soluble living germ) and reintroduced the word virus. Beijerinck maintained that viruses were liquid in nature, a theory later discredited by Wendell Stanley, who proved they were particulate.[25] In the same year, Friedrich Loeffler and Paul Frosch passed the first animal virus, aphthovirus (the agent of foot-and-mouth disease), through a similar filter.[27]

But don’t worry , I’m sure that surgical face diaper you liberals :censored2: your non sense through on the daily is going to stop a virus.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Gotta agree with you here. The money's hardly worth it when you're never home.
Eating supper late every day.(still do, old habits are hard to break) Watching the kids play sports in browns. Punching out sitting in a football stadium so you don't give them your lunch and break. Mowing with headlights on. If something came up that you wanted to do or go to and you knew you couldn't make it, called off. Went where I wanted to. Bought anything I wanted. Spent money.
These and more are hardly sacrifices for the crap you put with and the money you make.
Retired @ 52 12 years ago. How sweet it is.
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