Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Brett, the issue is starting early vs. late and the power of compounding. The S&P is up 21% this year. If you have only been putting into the R401K then you are actually up only 5% from where you could have been (assuming an average tax bracket of 17%...21-17.) You lost out on 17% in this insane bull run we are currently in. If one started early in their lives and didn't wait until they were 50 to start saving, that lost 17% this year alone is an incredible amount of money when you factor in compounding!
The Roth 401K is a nice addition to a savings plan that's been in place for awhile. I started mine last year (already had 6 years savings in the 401K) when the wife informed me we will be taking a very long European trip when I retire. Fine I'll pull out a huge chunk of change 20 years from now for that 1 trip and not worry about taxes that following April. I put in 3% but will probably drop it to 1% in a year or two from now.
Compounding is the name of the game folks!
The Roth 401K is a nice addition to a savings plan that's been in place for awhile. I started mine last year (already had 6 years savings in the 401K) when the wife informed me we will be taking a very long European trip when I retire. Fine I'll pull out a huge chunk of change 20 years from now for that 1 trip and not worry about taxes that following April. I put in 3% but will probably drop it to 1% in a year or two from now.
Compounding is the name of the game folks!