Kevin McCarthy— OUT!


Well-Known Member
And I stand by that statement. The Arab nations hate Iran but Errbody hates the USA. The other countries are aware that if Iran is attacked they could very well be next.
No, it's literally Iran and its satellites vs the U.S. aligned Arab Gulf States and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Iran are mortal enemies. The last thing they're worried about is Iran being attacked by the U.S.


All Trash No Trailer

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
You believe that and yet also supported the Biden Obama administration allowing them to get nukes, releasing 6 billion dollars to them, and easing sanctions allowing them to amass countless billions of dollars that will be used against us.
While Iran attacked our troops and trump did nothing. Bone spurs acting up again?


Well-Known Member
Another way is to sell arms to Poland and have Poland gift older arms to Ukraine.
Ukraine is fighting a hot war. There's no way you can sell large enough shipments to Poland to meet Ukraine's needs. Reagan may have supplied Nicaraguan guerillas in Honduras that way but the Ukraine war is much bigger. And if Poland, whose defense budget is a fraction of ours, suddenly is spending exponentially more money on our arms everyone will see through it and some could get in big trouble over it.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
It’s either fight a proxy war by supplying arms to the Ukraine or fight an actual war spilling American blood when Putin decides he wants Poland back in a couple of years.
If The Ukraine can defeat Putin military it will mean his downfall and Russia will no longer be a threat to Europe. There will be a huge peace dividend for the US and NATO countries.


Well-Known Member
It’s either fight a proxy war by supplying arms to the Ukraine or fight an actual war spilling American blood when Putin decides he wants Poland back in a couple of years.
Hmmm, let's see, a country of 140 million with few allies and limited industry is going up against a military alliance of almost a billion people and extensive industry. Yeah, that'll happen.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It’s either fight a proxy war by supplying arms to the Ukraine or fight an actual war spilling American blood when Putin decides he wants Poland back in a couple of years.
Hmmm, let's see, a country of 140 million with few allies and limited industry is going up against a military alliance of almost a billion people and extensive industry. Yeah, that'll happen.

Their population and capabilities would of course grow quite a bit if they took over Ukraine. But I'd bet on Moldova, Georgia, Belarus and maybe Kazakhstan being next. Armenia might go voluntarily.


Well-Known Member
Their population and capabilities would of course grow quite a bit if they took over Ukraine. But I'd bet on Moldova, Georgia, Belarus and maybe Kazakhstan being next. Armenia might go voluntarily.
It's been Putin's M.O. to go into neighboring countries with a Russian minority. He's already carved off areas of Georgia where Russians are in the majority. I doubt he'll take over Belarus because they already lick his boots. Moldova only if he wins in Ukraine. I'm betting a major target will be northern Kazakhstan. It's where ethnic Russians predominate and it's Kazahkstan's most productive farmland. The Armenians love having their own country but do allow a Russian base there. Keeps them safe from Azerbaijan and Turkey. But the common denominator is they're all former Soviet Republics and while most Russians left after the breakup he seems keen on protecting the remaining pockets in these countries. But Poland is a whole other animal and, if you hear major politicians saying he'll be in Poland or other NATO countries next, what it's likely they're doing is fear mongering to keep the money flowing to defense contractors.


Staff member
Ukraine is fighting a hot war. There's no way you can sell large enough shipments to Poland to meet Ukraine's needs. Reagan may have supplied Nicaraguan guerillas in Honduras that way but the Ukraine war is much bigger. And if Poland, whose defense budget is a fraction of ours, suddenly is spending exponentially more money on our arms everyone will see through it and some could get in big trouble over it.
That’s kind of silly. If Poland were to donate Ukraine 100 friend-16s to Ukraine, you don’t think that would have an impact on the battle? What if Saudi Arabia did the same? Greece? Turkey? The fact is that the US is a major weapons supplier around the globe and countries are in the market. There’s nothing illegal about it. Nobody’s trying to hide it. Reagan got in trouble because Congress specifically passed a law to forbid exactly what he did. No such law exists and a dysfunctional congress won’t pass one now.

Military industrial complex vs the MAGA republicans. Who ya got?