Kobe Bryant is dead


Well-Known Member
Because the victim's name was leaked from the courthouse and she was often threatened with bodily harm, harassed on social media, and she feared for her life she refused to testify.

All I want to say is that people make mistakes. Own them and move on.

It isnt the easiest thing to do and today everyone is a victim of sorts but move on from the past.

Kobe was a hero to some. I'm not going to take away from that.
And she had a history of accusing guys of rape. I really doubt with the kind of women who throw themselves at guys like Kobe he would have to resort to rape. Sometimes women aren't right in the head but because we want to believe the woman first guys really have to be careful.


Retired 22 years
People should remember that these days you can get all the side pusillanimous you want while married and still become the President of the United States.

From that perspective, Kobe having :censored2:ed around on his wife isn’t that big of a deal.
apparently it was to her (his wife anyway):-)


Victory Ride

Box Ox

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Air traffic audio matched to flight location. Lots of informative comments / thoughts from real deal pilots under the video:
