Lafayette, LA movie theater shooting


Staff member
No say around it. Can't monitor guns and gun sales so we're going to have to expand the NSA to get "into people's minds". Tap phones, track cell phones, .computer Spyware...afterall, it's not the guns doing these things, it's the GUN OWNERS.


Well-Known Member
No say around it. Can't monitor guns and gun sales so we're going to have to expand the NSA to get "into people's minds". Tap phones, track cell phones, .computer Spyware...afterall, it's not the guns doing these things, it's the GUN OWNERS.
I'm sure the GOP would be ok with that. As long as it only applied to blacks, Latinos, muslims and the lgbt community.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I'm sure the GOP would be ok with that. As long as it only applied to blacks, Latinos, muslims and the lgbt community.
And the IRS takes care of everyone else. Including those that you just mentioned that are of the right wing variety.
No say around it. Can't monitor guns and gun sales so we're going to have to expand the NSA to get "into people's minds". Tap phones, track cell phones, .computer Spyware...afterall, it's not the guns doing these things, it's the GUN OWNERS.

I don't know man. I am thinking that if everyone would just leave each other alone then less people would go off the rocker. That's just an idea anyway.


Staff member
And the IRS takes care of everyone else. Including those that you just mentioned that are of the right wing variety.

I don't know man. I am thinking that if everyone would just leave each other alone then less people would go off the rocker. That's just an idea anyway.
We know that won't happen.


Engorged Member
I thought thats what liberals do?

Nah, we only watch it to try and monitor what the mental cases are doing. This nut loved Hitler, hated liberals and was anti-government to the extreme. He also had issues with women being in the workplace and had actually appeared on local TV back in the 90s espousing his Far Right views.
He sounds like your kind of guy. If he hadn't killed himself he could run on the GOP ticket as #17 and given Trump a run for his money.


Well-Known Member
I don't know man. I am thinking that if everyone would just leave each other alone then less people would go off the rocker. That's just an idea anyway.

That makes very little sense.

Do you think this man 'went off the rocker' because someone wasn't leaving him alone?

No, the dude was mentally ill and shouldn't have had weapons.

(Before anyone loses their mind and starts telling me about the 2nd amendment, honestly, :censored2:, this guy was denied a CCP, his wife hid or removed his guns because he was unstable and violent, etc., this isn't about gun laws)

My wife said it best: "He should have started with killing himself, instead of killing people in the theater".

There's no gun policy in the world that will stop this lone-wolf BS.

However (perhaps) if we had a more functional health-care system and paid more attention to/put more money into mental-health issues, this particular shooting could have been avoided.

This wasn't Islamic 'radicalization', this was a dude with severe mental health issues.

The Chattanooga shooter also had some mental health issues, but he has ties to Islam so most of you will write him off and declare him an 'Islamic Terrorist'.

Can I call this guy a 'Christian Terrorist'?

Both might be incorrect.

Point being, it's not enough to scream about gun-rights, scream about the government trying to socialize medicine (incorrect), cry about a 'government-takeover' of whatever the flavor of the day is, and then just throw your hands up and say, 'oh well, just another crazy! LOL!'.

I find it hard to believe that there is absolutely no solution to mass shootings.

End rant.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That makes very little sense.

Do you think this man 'went off the rocker' because someone wasn't leaving him alone?

No, the dude was mentally ill and shouldn't have had weapons.

(Before anyone loses their mind and starts telling me about the 2nd amendment, honestly, :censored2:, this guy was denied a CCP, his wife hid or removed his guns because he was unstable and violent, etc., this isn't about gun laws)

My wife said it best: "He should have started with killing himself, instead of killing people in the theater".

There's no gun policy in the world that will stop this lone-wolf BS.

However (perhaps) if we had a more functional health-care system and paid more attention to/put more money into mental-health issues, this particular shooting could have been avoided.

This wasn't Islamic 'radicalization', this was a dude with severe mental health issues.

The Chattanooga shooter also had some mental health issues, but he has ties to Islam so most of you will write him off and declare him an 'Islamic Terrorist'.

Can I call this guy a 'Christian Terrorist'?

Both might be incorrect.

Point being, it's not enough to scream about gun-rights, scream about the government trying to socialize medicine (incorrect), cry about a 'government-takeover' of whatever the flavor of the day is, and then just throw your hands up and say, 'oh well, just another crazy! LOL!'.

I find it hard to believe that there is absolutely no solution to mass shootings.

End rant.
You basically agreed with me. He went off the rocker. LOL


Well-Known Member
Hate to break the news to you but he was a typical right wing nut job.

The Washington Post


Gunman had mental health problems, bitter family disputes, records show.

What happened inside the Louisiana movie theater(1:04)

Here's what we know about John Russell Houser, the man accused of fatally shooting two people and injuring nine inside a movie theater in Lafayette, La. (The Washington Post)

By Carol D. Leonnig, David Weigel and Jerry Markon July 24 at 5:11 PM

The gunman who opened fire Thursday in a Louisiana movie theater was a onetime entrepreneur who inveighed against women’s rights, liberals and minorities and had been involuntarily committed for mental illness, according to court documents and interviews.

John Russell Houser, 59, was one of about two dozen people who bought a ticket to an evening showing of “Trainwreck” at a multiplex in Lafayette, officials said. About 20 minutes into the movie, he stood up and began firing a semiautomatic handgun “methodically,” authorities said, killing two and injuring nine before turning the gun on himself.

Mayci Breaux, 21, a radiology student who had recently toured the hospital to which she was rushed, and Jillian Johnson, 33, an artistic force and businesswoman in the city, were sitting in the row in front of Houser. Both died.

Houser, who had an accounting degree and a law degree and once owned bars, was sliding into erratic, threatening behavior by 2008, family members said in court documents filed in Georgia that accused him of stalking his own daughter. Houser wound up estranged from his daughter, he lost his house in foreclosure and he was separated from his wife.

More than a decade earlier, Houser became known in his Georgia community as an argumentative guest on television talk shows who was fiercely anti-tax. The former pub owner known as “Rusty” also ran for several local offices, political bids that went nowhere, people who knew him recalled.

Suspect John Russell Houser, a 59-year-old Alabama man, is accused of fatally shooting two and injuring at least nine others before killing himself during a showing of “Trainwreck” in Lafayette, La.

[Another day, another massacre — and it’s hard to explain why]

“Rusty had an issue with feminine rights. He was opposed to women having a say in anything,’’ said Calvin Floyd, former host of the talk show “Rise and Shine” on station WLTZ NBC 38 in Columbus, Ga. “You could talk with him a few minutes, and you would know he had a high IQ, but there was a lot missing with him.”

As Houser lost his businesses and his family life disintegrated, he appears to have taken a darker turn, according to investigators, anti-hate groups and a review of his social media postings. He posted regularly on Internet message boards, often ranting against the government and the mainstream media — writings that investigators are reading closely for clues, said Col. Michael D. Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police.

The postings regularly praised Adolf Hitler, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups. The center said Houser registered to attend a 2005 conference held by an organization headed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Local media in Georgia, where Houser owned a bar more than decade ago, reported that he once hung a large swastika banner outside after the city pulled his liquor license for repeatedly serving minors.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hate to break the news to you but he was a typical right wing nut job.

The Washington Post


Gunman had mental health problems, bitter family disputes, records show.

What happened inside the Louisiana movie theater(1:04)

Here's what we know about John Russell Houser, the man accused of fatally shooting two people and injuring nine inside a movie theater in Lafayette, La. (The Washington Post)

By Carol D. Leonnig, David Weigel and Jerry Markon July 24 at 5:11 PM

The gunman who opened fire Thursday in a Louisiana movie theater was a onetime entrepreneur who inveighed against women’s rights, liberals and minorities and had been involuntarily committed for mental illness, according to court documents and interviews.

John Russell Houser, 59, was one of about two dozen people who bought a ticket to an evening showing of “Trainwreck” at a multiplex in Lafayette, officials said. About 20 minutes into the movie, he stood up and began firing a semiautomatic handgun “methodically,” authorities said, killing two and injuring nine before turning the gun on himself.

Mayci Breaux, 21, a radiology student who had recently toured the hospital to which she was rushed, and Jillian Johnson, 33, an artistic force and businesswoman in the city, were sitting in the row in front of Houser. Both died.

Houser, who had an accounting degree and a law degree and once owned bars, was sliding into erratic, threatening behavior by 2008, family members said in court documents filed in Georgia that accused him of stalking his own daughter. Houser wound up estranged from his daughter, he lost his house in foreclosure and he was separated from his wife.

More than a decade earlier, Houser became known in his Georgia community as an argumentative guest on television talk shows who was fiercely anti-tax. The former pub owner known as “Rusty” also ran for several local offices, political bids that went nowhere, people who knew him recalled.

Suspect John Russell Houser, a 59-year-old Alabama man, is accused of fatally shooting two and injuring at least nine others before killing himself during a showing of “Trainwreck” in Lafayette, La.

[Another day, another massacre — and it’s hard to explain why]

“Rusty had an issue with feminine rights. He was opposed to women having a say in anything,’’ said Calvin Floyd, former host of the talk show “Rise and Shine” on station WLTZ NBC 38 in Columbus, Ga. “You could talk with him a few minutes, and you would know he had a high IQ, but there was a lot missing with him.”

As Houser lost his businesses and his family life disintegrated, he appears to have taken a darker turn, according to investigators, anti-hate groups and a review of his social media postings. He posted regularly on Internet message boards, often ranting against the government and the mainstream media — writings that investigators are reading closely for clues, said Col. Michael D. Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police.

The postings regularly praised Adolf Hitler, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups. The center said Houser registered to attend a 2005 conference held by an organization headed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Local media in Georgia, where Houser owned a bar more than decade ago, reported that he once hung a large swastika banner outside after the city pulled his liquor license for repeatedly serving minors.

There is nothing...and I mean absolutely NOTHING...about the man's political beliefs (as quirky is they may be) that indicates a correlation between right wingers and being a nut job or a mass murderer. Left wingers share just as much of the guilt in that regard. If you want to see a true indication of someone being nut jobs you only need look at voting records of those politicians that have amassed the crippling debt this country is buried under and have enabled the American population to be more dependent on food stamps and other government handouts then ever before in our history. Then factor in who actually voted the clowns into office and you will have an accurate picture of who the nut jobs in this country actually are.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing...and I mean absolutely NOTHING...about the man's political beliefs (as quirky is they may be) that indicates a correlation between right wingers and being a nut job or a mass murderer. Left wingers share just as much of the guilt in that regard. If you want to see a true indication of someone being nut jobs you only need look at voting records of those politicians that have amassed the crippling debt this country is buried under and have enabled the American population to be more dependent on food stamps and other government handouts then ever before in our history. Then factor in who actually voted the clowns into office and you will have an accurate picture of who the nut jobs in this country actually are.
Your views sound very similar to John Houser's. Just sayin...........

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Your views sound very similar to John Houser's. Just sayin...........

Your views sound very similar to....

– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat

Just saying..........

Only I'm not going to claim that liberals are prone to shootings. Thats the difference.


Inordinately Right
If you want to see a true indication of someone being nut jobs you only need look at voting records of those politicians that have amassed the crippling debt this country is buried under
So pretty much all of them?
Then factor in who actually voted the clowns into office and you will have an accurate picture of who the nut jobs in this country actually are.
So pretty much anyone who votes for Republicans and Democrats....

An entire nation of nutjobs? You're probably right.


Well-Known Member
Your views sound very similar to....

– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat

Just saying..........

Only I'm not going to claim that liberals are prone to shootings. Thats the difference.
I can play too.