Quite possible you got trolled by 8chan grandpa.
If you revisit the link you'll see the original source that claimed it is photoshopped has now changed their mind. They've put a new statement on the site clarifying that they got the picture from a tweet, they can't remember who from (lol), and it's "quite possibly false":
*Since the original discussion thread was posted on Friday October 2nd, the comparative image above has become the matter of some controversy. On Thr/Fri a twitter acct (we did not record who) posted a video vine on showing a CNN broadcast (TV) including that image. Additionally the same source posting a side-by-side as above. We captured the side-by-side image and shared it – as shown. We did not create the image, we copied it from a twitter feed. According to various comments posted: CNN denies attribution. Absent our ability to return to source origination for further inquiry, the comparative side-by-side image should be considered suspect, and quite possibly false.
Another website is claiming the photoshop originated on 8chan, in a post dated before the conservative treehouse spewed this garbage: