USA at its finest, another WHITE gunman shoots up a movie theatre....


Inordinately Right
Its OK if you lie to the forum. But lying to yourself is pathetic. Conservative my ass. And you do realize you work for a rather large corporation right? Freakin hypocritic. You are so confused.
I can work for a large corporation and oppose them pulling all the strings of the government that is supposed to represent my interest, not the company I work for. You are so confused. If you think republicans are really conservatives you're blind.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I can work for a large corporation and oppose them pulling all the strings of the government that is supposed to represent my interest, not the company I work for. You are so confused. If you think republicans are really conservatives you're blind.

Yeah keep telling yourself that.......










And enough of this "I'm somewhere in the middle" deception. It's getting old.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
When did I say I'm somewhere in the middle? If anything you're the one in the middle. You have a habit of making things up. It's getting old.
Oh you said it. And I am closer to the middle than you could ever be. I challenge you to provide me with an example of something I made up.

Here it comes.......
















Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I never once said I'm in the middle. Never once. The reason you say you don't care is because you know you can't prove it. You just made it up. Deal with it.

Oh you said it. I don't care how much you try and deny it. It won't change the fact that you said it. It was earlier this year. Maybe more recent. But it happened. All I had to due was accuse of of being a liberal. You said it.


Inordinately Right
Oh you said it. I don't care how much you try and deny it. It won't change the fact that you said it. It was earlier this year. Maybe more recent. But it happened. All I had to due was accuse of of being a liberal. You said it.
If you could prove it you would. But you can't because I never said it. You made it up. Deal with it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Are you just trolling now or what bro lol?
Here you go, type in my name and the word middle. I never said it. If you could prove it you would. You made it up. Move on.

You didn't exactly say "I am in the middle" but I can assure you and anyone else that you made statements that claimed that you were close to the center. Something to that affect. You can bitch, call me a troll, whine and even flame me until the moon falls out of the sky and it won't change the fact that you made a statement(s) to that effect. Now make up your mind. Are you a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian, or whatever else you think sounds cool at the moment. Are do you just enjoy arguing with anyone that has opinions or facts that go against the liberal mindset for the hell of it?


Inordinately Right
You didn't exactly say "I am in the middle" but I can assure you and anyone else that you made statements that claimed that you were close to the center. Something to that affect. You can bitch, call me a troll, whine and even flame me until the moon falls out of the sky and it won't change the fact that you made a statement(s) to that effect. Now make up your mind. Are you a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian, or whatever else you think sounds cool at the moment. Are do you just enjoy arguing with anyone that has opinions or facts that go against the liberal mindset for the hell of it?
Backpedaling lol. So now you've changed your mind and I didn't say I'm in the middle. You made it up. Deal with it, move on.
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Well-Known Member
I have no dog in this fight, but I kind of remember you saying something to the effect that you were "close to center" as well. I don't give a crap what you actually are, but I remember something like that.


Inordinately Right
I have no dog in this fight, but I kind of remember you saying something to the effect that you were "close to center" as well. I don't give a crap what you actually are, but I remember something like that.
Nope. I've expressed more than once that most Americans are in the middle or center, but I've never put myself in that category. Not like it matters anyway he's just trolling.
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I have no dog in this fight, but I kind of remember you saying something to the effect that you were "close to center" as well. I don't give a crap what you actually are, but I remember something like that.

And also backs liberals at EVERY opportunity and claims to be a libertarian. He can be quite confusing.

Nope. I've expressed more than once that most Americans are in the middle or center, but I've never put myself in that category. Not like it matters anyway he's just trolling.
Wrong! If you are going to be a liar you might want to do a better job of it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You have two people now that remember it. Deal with it. You aren't waiting for anything except to click the DERAIL button everytime someone calls you out or says something that doesn't fall in line with your liberal views. Yes, I know......but you are actually "libertarian" right? ;)


Inordinately Right
You have two people now that remember it. Deal with it. You aren't waiting for anything except to click the DERAIL button everytime someone calls you out or says something that doesn't fall in line with your liberal views. Yes, I know......but you are actually "libertarian" right? ;)
Quote me saying it or just shut up and move on troll.