LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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Well-Known Member
You two have a tough election lesson to learn..

First, newfie, the LATIMES/USC poll has NEVER been done before, so you are incorrect,.

I hear his first executive order will be to make grabbing pusillanimous legal.

works for me though I think its already legal to do so.

I think I'll listen to some of Michele and Obama's favorite rappers yakking about abusing women while I contemplate the severity of the trump accusations.
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Well-Known Member
Ok that is true but i agree with his policies on those issues which i said can easily be found online

Brownarmy who are you voting for?


Well-Known Member
Those aren't policies, they're talking points.

Because, you know, 'MERICA!

Restore integrity to our immigration system by prioritizing the interests of Americans first. Enforce our immigration laws – at the border and at the workplace. Build a border wall and end sanctuary cities. Send criminal aliens home. Welcome those who embrace our way of life, but keep out immigrants and refugees who don’t through rigorous vetting.

-Anti trump " But he's a bully "

Unwavering support of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. Get gang members and drug dealers off the street to make our cities and communities safer. Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Expand mental health programs keep the violent mentally ill off of our streets.

-Anti trump " But he's a sexist"

Foreign policy will be singularly focused on Making America Safe Again by destroying radical Islamic terrorist groups. End the nuclear deal with Iran and the ransom payments to the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism. America will stand with its allies and end the Obama-Clinton practice of apologizing to our enemies.

Anti trump " But he's a bigot"


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS what will do if Trump wins?
I think he still has a very good chance at winning this....Trump would be a clear winner if Americans weren't so brainwashed by media, football and dancing with the stars.

TOS what trump policies do you disagree with?

Blackjack, please, dont try so hard bro. Come november 9th, these others have a BARRAGE of harrassment to go through when trump gets wiped out, dont add yourself to the list. This is your first time in an election, take a back seat and let it play out.

We have your opinion, you think Trump has a chance, good, youre on the record. Dont make it worse for yourself.

I dont know what you are seeing, who you are listening to, or what your perception of reality is, but its pretty clear, TRUMP is going to lose BIGLY..

I get it, you have hope, but hope doesnt win elections.

These right wing lunatics on this board had hope in 2008 and 2012 and they sat in tears and watched the GOP get smacked down.

As for Trump, I would answer you on his policies, IF HE HAD ANY other than just political talking points and rhetoric.

Maybe YOU think he KNOWS more than the GENERALS on ISIS.

ON that point alone, you should be scared.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
-Anti trump " But he's a bully "

-Anti trump " But he's a sexist"

Anti trump " But he's a bigot"


Let me ask you a question BLACKJACK, and I want you to really think about it before you answer.

Three presidents in our history have previously tried TRUMPS TAX CUT PLAN...

Herbert Hoover (R)- the nation collapsed and went into a depression. NO new jobs, No higher pay, NO new homes sold, NO new businesses created, the stock market collapsed, the housing market collapsed, the jobs market collapsed, the jobs market collapsed and the banks collapsed.

Ronald Reagan (R)- after the first two years of his IDENTICAL TAX CUT plan, unemployment blew up to 10.7%, the savings and loan industry collapsed, the stock market collapsed, the job market collapsed, wages went down, social security was robbed to pay the budget shortfalls from the tax cut, middle class american taxes were RAISED 7 times to pay for the budget shortfall, the most important thing of the Reagan administration tax cut...

THE DEFICIT BLEW UP TO 3.7 TRILLION DOLLARS for the first time in HISTORY from the revenue loss from the Reagan Tax cuts. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY had ever gone over the 1 Trillion dollar mark, and Reagan not only exceeded that mark, but carried it over to bush1 and rose to 5.6 TRILLION DOLLARS.

George W. Bush (R)- he also cut taxes for the top 1% promising job growth and higher wages. INSTEAD, he crashed the economy, collapsed the banks, collapsed the housing market, collapsed the jobs market, collapsed wages, wiped out the industrial sector and manufacturer sector and in his final 12 months was hemmoraging 700,000 jobs a MONTH until unemployment doubled to 8% and in his final fiscal budget, unemployment rose to 10.2% ( almost as high as Ronald Reagans worse year)

Now, heres the QUESTION:

If three previous presidents have tried the TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMIC TAX CUTS and caused a disaster for middle class americans ( YOU ), why would you think it would be better this time, considering we dont have the same manufacturing or industrial sectors as previous presidents, nor do we have the ability to build cities as in post depression era?

Go for it.



Well-Known Member
because every tax plan that does not account for spending will fail.

the taxation is not the primary issue, .gov spending is

THE DEFICIT BLEW UP TO 3.7 TRILLION DOLLARS for the first time in HISTORY from the revenue loss from the Reagan Tax cuts. NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY had ever gone over the 1 Trillion dollar mark, and Reagan not only exceeded that mark, but carried it over to bush1 and rose to 5.6 TRILLION DOLLARS.

What about obama? Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion.
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Inordinately Right
Trump is not the perfect candidate but he's the best we have right now...
He is far from the best, he is the least common denominator, I fear that the party may never recover from the damage he has done. Unless they do something drastic we're going to be stuck with democrats for a long time.


Well-Known Member
because every tax plan that does not account for spending will fail.

the taxation is not the primary issue, .gov spending is

What about obama?
Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion.

Trump wants to increase spending and cut taxes, which obviously won't work.

It's just math.

Like the election - it's just math.

Not even calculus, not even orbital-trajectory rocket-science math, just simple arithmetic-style math.

270 BlackJack, 270.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ok that is true but i agree with his policies on those issues which i said can easily be found online

Brownarmy who are you voting for?

You have no idea what any of these TALKING POINTS means and this is the problem with TRUMP voters...

DRUMPF may have well said, "i am going to end hunger around the world"... and a guy like YOU would think that was a policy.

Sheesh man, Do you really understand the difference between a TALKING point and a FACT?

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