LATEST presidential Tracking polls! 2016 General Election

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you're really against war why the friend* would you vote for Hillary with her record?

Our choice is really simple.

Vote for TRUMP and wreckless spending on the advice of characters like the ones he's associating with now ( Bush advisors) or Vote for Hillary, who despite being more hawkish than trump, understands a scaled back approach to effective militarism.

Trump has promised a larger military, just like Reagan, and we will end up with planes that wont ever see action, boats that will rust to death, missiles that will rot in silos and tanks that will never roll into a conflict.

Obamas approach to killing terrorists has been an effective one, and if not for the war profiteers who supply every nickel and dime terrorist, we wouldnt be fighting anywhere today in the world.

There is a ginormous difference between hillary and trump when it comes to the military. Trump believes they are toys and giving orders is "HIS" job.

Hillary knows her role is to give permission and NOT to strategize.

That is the role of the military structure.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Maybe with the money you'd rather spend on ISIS
I'll gladly back the US to spend a few more $billions to destroy ISIS.

If you know anything about Dresden, Cologne, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that's what's facing ISIS if Trump is elected.

That is something that hasn't been seen in 70 plus years from the USA.


Inordinately Right
Our choice is really simple.

Vote for TRUMP and wreckless spending on the advice of characters like the ones he's associating with now ( Bush advisors) or Vote for Hillary, who despite being more hawkish than trump, understands a scaled back approach to effective militarism.

Trump has promised a larger military, just like Reagan, and we will end up with planes that wont ever see action, boats that will rust to death, missiles that will rot in silos and tanks that will never roll into a conflict.

Obamas approach to killing terrorists has been an effective one, and if not for the war profiteers who supply every nickel and dime terrorist, we wouldnt be fighting anywhere today in the world.

There is a ginormous difference between hillary and trump when it comes to the military. Trump believes they are toys and giving orders is "HIS" job.

Hillary knows her role is to give permission and NOT to strategize.

That is the role of the military structure.

BS. Obama and Hillary both murder innocent civilians from the sky like cowards, all while talking out the side of their mouths about ending the wars. You're trading one chickenhawk for another. There's no difference.


Inordinately Right
I'll gladly back the US to spend a few more $billions to destroy ISIS.

If you know anything about Dresden, Cologne, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that's what's facing ISIS if Trump is elected.

That is something that hasn't been seen in 70 plus years from the USA.
Only an idiot or a psychopath would yearn for the past genocides our country has committed.


Inordinately Right
Obviously you don't know what the word GENOCIDE means.
I do actually, if you disagree with my usage of the word go ahead and explain your position. We can just refer to it as mass murder if it makes you feel better. Semantics aside, my point remains.... only an idiot or a psychopath would yearn for a a time when we committed those acts. The fact that you actually see carpet bombing the middle east and murdering innocent people as a viable option says a lot about you.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I do actually, if you disagree with my usage of the word go ahead and explain your position. We can just refer to it as mass murder if it makes you feel better. Semantics aside, my point remains.... only an idiot or a psychopath would yearn for a a time when we committed those acts. The fact that you actually see carpet bombing the middle east and murdering innocent people as a viable option says a lot about you.
You don't know the correct use of the word GENOCIDE, since you have mis-used it twice now.

Carpet bombing an enemy city, mass murder and GENOCIDE are not the same.

But hey, you sure so know how to hit that red X.

Careful on using those red X's so much, or you may have that privilege taken away.


Inordinately Right
You don't know the correct use of the word GENOCIDE, since you have mis-used it twice now.

Carpet bombing an enemy city, mass murder and GENOCIDE are not the same.

But hey, you sure so know how to hit that red X.

Careful on using those red X's so much, or you may have that privilege taken away.
So are you still hung up on that one word, or are you just trying to avoid talking about how you're a psychopath who wants to murder innocent women and children?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So are you still hung up on that one word, or are you just trying to avoid talking about how you're a psychopath who wants to murder innocent women and children?
The women and children of our enemy are our enemy too.

Before 1945, we as a nation understood that.

We bombed entire enemy cities to the ground.

And we won those wars.

You would have us never winning another war.

Even a war for our very survival.


Inordinately Right
The women and children of our enemy are our enemy too.

Before 1945, we as a nation understood that.

We bombed entire enemy cities to the ground.

And we won those wars.

You would have us never winning another war.

Even a war for our very survival.
You're seriously comparing ISIS to the axis powers of WW2?
Delusional thoughts from fantasy island.

I wouldn't have us win another war, you're right about that. Because I'd have us not fighting one at all. You're more concerned with the middle eastern countries' problems than you are your own country's.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
BS. Obama and Hillary both murder innocent civilians from the sky like cowards, all while talking out the side of their mouths about ending the wars. You're trading one chickenhawk for another. There's no difference.

Ill take the lessor of two evils when it comes to killing people driveN.

If a few collateral civilians are killed while we drone a building or hut, I am okay with that, allbeit, still sad that we have to do that in the first place, vs. an approach like that nimrod who supports the carpet bombing of cities for "Christs" sake.

Nothing could be more wrong with a human being, than a statement like that.

Ill take precision strikes all day long.

Overthrowing governments on the other hand, I do not support. How has that worked out for the USA so far??

Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt....

Yea, we got it all figured out.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The women and children of our enemy are our enemy too.

Before 1945, we as a nation understood that.

We bombed entire enemy cities to the ground.

And we won those wars.

You would have us never winning another war.

Even a war for our very survival.

Then, I imagine , you wouldnt have a problem with a foreign power flying over your home, and dropping a bomb on your block, even though their fight is with the US government, you are a child of this country, so therefor, you must be a legitimate target, eh?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The women and children of our enemy are our enemy too.

Before 1945, we as a nation understood that.

We bombed entire enemy cities to the ground.

And we won those wars.

You would have us never winning another war.

Even a war for our very survival.

And further, using YOUR logic...

Those people killed on 9/11 were not victims, they were TARGETS, because they were children of an enemy of the terrorists, right?

Do you even think before you type?



Well-Known Member
Dresden, Cologne,Hiroshima, Nagasaki ? With Trump in the oval office expect something more akin to Dien Bien Phu or the Bay of Pigs


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And further, using YOUR logic...

Those people killed on 9/11 were not victims, they were TARGETS, because they were children of an enemy of the terrorists, right?

Do you even think before you type?

I wasn't aware we were at war on the morning of 9/11.

Just like we were not at war on Dec. 7, 1941.

Do you even know history?

Because you will make the same mistakes as Bush and Obama made.

You don't fight wars affraid to kill the enemies women and children.


Retired 23 years

You don't fight wars affraid to kill the enemies women and children.

I totally agree. Trying to fight "nice" wars is the reason we haven't won a war since WWII. Look how the politicians messed up Korea, Vietnam and now the mid-east by trying to fight "nice". Either fight to win or don't get involved in the first place. All the weapons in the world are useless if you avoid hitting targets just because some people may get hurt or killed. War is hell.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I totally agree. Trying to fight "nice" wars is the reason we haven't won a war since WWII. Look how the politicians messed up Korea, Vietnam and now the mid-east by trying to fight "nice". Either fight to win or don't get involved in the first place. All the weapons in the world are useless if you avoid hitting targets just because some people may get hurt or killed. War is hell.
Here's the problem I have. I understand not wanting to kill civilians. My problem is what about when those civilians are unwilling to defend themselves? All we hear is radical Islam is the minority. Well if they are why don't the majority stand against them and they never would of became what they are.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wasn't aware we were at war on the morning of 9/11.

Just like we were not at war on Dec. 7, 1941.

Do you even know history?

Because you will make the same mistakes as Bush and Obama made.

You don't fight wars affraid to kill the enemies women and children.

And I am sure, that some desert women, raising her three children doesnt know that she is at war with YOU, as you promote the dropping of a bomb on her home killing her and her children just to make you feel better.

You may want to TROLL the concept of killing of women and children, but that cuts both ways. Dont cry when our citizens are killed by terrorists because, like YOU, they view YOU as the enemy, so I guess you are a target and your death within the margins of war.

Grow up.

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