

Inordinately Right
No one has voted these being loans. Bailouts aren’t always loans. Obama did that, Trump didnt. The welfare recipient farmers from Trumps 2 bailouts haven’t paid a nickel.
Democrats are stalling aid for the American worker that they harmed with their quarantines.

Why..... because they are playing politics, trying to get garbage like their climate change agenda put into the bill. They are garbage.
What Is A Bailout?
A bailout is the act of a business, an individual, or a government providing money and resources (also known as a capital injection) to a failing company. These actions help to prevent the consequences of that business's potential downfall which may include bankruptcy and default on its financial obligations.
Businesses and governments may receive a bailout which may take the form of a loan, the purchasing of bonds, stocks or cash infusions, and may require the recused party to reimburse the support, depending upon the terms. Bailouts traditionally occurred in industries or businesses which are no longer viable or that have sustained