I'm not sure you want to get back on topic here, but I'll tell you IMHO why you have trouble finding younger "Leaders of Tomorrow." It's not some mystery, we have been sold out by those in front of us. I have only been a Teamster under the leadership of Hoffa. I'm not sure how it was before him, but I know under him I have never, nor have my youthful brethren, received a gain during a contract negotiation. We have seen longer waits for top scale, cuts to benefits, no significant jumps in starting pay, and this is just on the National level.
On a more local level I have seen (as well as many of you) local officers elected that are "real pals," "good guys," "someone you can grab a beer with," but never people with teeth. They don't want to fight and quite honestly don't really have the mental capabilities to do so. They know how to make deals, and save jobs, but as far as holding the company accountable and forcing them to abide by the contract, they come up as miserable failures. But they continue to be elected due to general apathy and name recognition.
All of that however is not their most aggregiuous act. They fail to share information (they don't even allow their own Stewards or affected member attend their own grievance hearings) or embrace technology. Listen, me and the brothers of my generation were on computers starting from the lowest levels of education. We learned how big (and small) the world is at a much younger age. We communicated and shared ideas through technologies instantly and across the globe. Now as we try to communicate with our leaders we are told we have to do it through word of mouth, or direct contact with our Union officials. It's antiquated and backwards. Those that use social media are instantly labeled as heretics just trying to be political and divide the Union. This is how we communicate, and in less than two decades every single electable Union Brother will have been born into the computer age. Myself and many like us have been pushed aside and marginalized by our own Union officials. When we ask questions in a public forum we don't do it to embarrass or try to be devisive. We do it because that is how we communicate now. We do it to share information with as many people as possible as fast as possible. We feel sold out, and we want someone to have our back, not get stepped on again by the all powerful heels of "those that have connections up high."
You think there aren't great leaders of tomorrow because you are looking in the wrong places. They aren't behind closed doors anymore, making secret deals, and shaking hands. They are on your social media feeds, connecting, learning and creating new ways to organize. Exposing the hypocrites that still believe things can be done quietly. We are here and we are growing. We will change the face of the Union together in a new and open forum. Power is always with those that have the information, and trust me we are sharing that information to better the Union for all.