Legalize and tax it, already!!


free at last.......
Just I truly don't know and I'm too lazy to look it up. Is it legal to grow your own tobacco?

Seems to me that more smokers would be trying to do that to bypass the taxes and such. Maybe some are and I'm unaware.

While not a user of either anymore (well over 30 yrs), I see no reason that it should be illegal once a process is put into place to control quality and who distributes it..... like tobacco and alcohol. Then tax the crap out of it if you want. Just earmark the revenue towards health care and/or the deficit.
Just I truly don't know and I'm too lazy to look it up. Is it legal to grow your own tobacco?

Seems to me that more smokers would be trying to do that to bypass the taxes and such. Maybe some are and I'm unaware.

While not a user of either anymore (well over 30 yrs), I see no reason that it should be illegal once a process is put into place to control quality and who distributes it..... like tobacco and alcohol. Then tax the crap out of it if you want. Just earmark the revenue towards health care and/or the deficit.
Good question. Interestingly it is legal.

Yes, you can grow and make your own tobacco for cigarettes, pipes or cigars. It is easy and fully legal! Tobacco plants can grow in any area.
This site is one of many where one can buy tobacco seeds.


bella amicizia
Don't try it in NY. Unless you are licensed and registered with the state in about 500 different agencies. They confiscate your home if they want.
but enforced by ATF?
Maybe, I'm not sure what federal laws would apply to tobacco grown for personal use.
From The ATF website concerning alcohol and tobacco:
[h=3]Mission[/h] The alcohol and tobacco diversion mission is:

  • to disrupt and eliminate criminal and terrorist organizations by identifying, investigating and arresting offenders who traffic in contraband cigarettes and illegal liquor;
  • to conduct financial investigations in conjunction with a alcohol and tobacco diversion investigations in order to seize and deny further access to assets and funds utilized by criminal enterprises and terrorist organizations;
  • to prevent criminal encroachment of the legitimate alcohol and tobacco industries by organizations trafficking in counterfeit/contraband cigarettes and illegal liquor and;
  • to assist local, state, and other Federal law enforcement and tax agencies in order to thoroughly investigate the interstate trafficking of contraband cigarettes and liquor.
Doesn't mention home grown tobacco, but there may still be something they are charged with on enforcement I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, I'm not sure what federal laws would apply to tobacco grown for personal use.
From The ATF website concerning alcohol and tobacco:


The alcohol and tobacco diversion mission is:

  • to disrupt and eliminate criminal and terrorist organizations by identifying, investigating and arresting offenders who traffic in contraband cigarettes and illegal liquor;
  • to conduct financial investigations in conjunction with a alcohol and tobacco diversion investigations in order to seize and deny further access to assets and funds utilized by criminal enterprises and terrorist organizations;
  • to prevent criminal encroachment of the legitimate alcohol and tobacco industries by organizations trafficking in counterfeit/contraband cigarettes and illegal liquor and;
  • to assist local, state, and other Federal law enforcement and tax agencies in order to thoroughly investigate the interstate trafficking of contraband cigarettes and liquor.

Doesn't mention home grown tobacco, but there may still be something they are charged with on enforcement I suppose.

I'm sure glad that someone is doing something about those Al-Qaeda cigarettes and Al-Qaeda liquor being sold all over the place. That stuff has sure gotten out of hand and someone needs to reel it back in before a weapon of mass cigarette smoke is exploded on some of us mindless smucks!

I actually found bullet point #3 the most truthful.

to prevent competition for the state approved monopoly alcohol and tobacco industries by free(d) market organizations trafficking in counterfeit/contraband (what is otherwise known as non-state approved) cigarettes and illegal liquor and;


Well-Known Member
Before we get to far growing our own, I just ran across something from NZ that we could face in the not to distant future as we are also signatories on the same international agreements. Know those great home gardens many of us have? Those juice fat tomatoes and the tomato sandwiches that come with it? You might better be prepared to say bye-bye to it all.

In accordance with the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Codex Alimentarius scheme for global food control, the NZ Food Bill, if passed, will essentially transfer primary control of food from individuals to corporations under the guise of food safety. And unless massive public outcry and awakened consciences within the NZ government are able to put a stop to it, the bill could become law very soon.
NZ food bill to make growing food a government privilege rather than a human right

And if you think the WTO's Codex Alimentarius is meaningless to Americans, think again


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected. It just must be every other drug they can confiscate your home for.
Don't like tobacco taxes? Grow your own- MSN Money

In regards to growing marijuana under state law and getting all applicable license from the state to do so, that may stop the individual state from asset forfeiture but it does not stop the Federal gov't. Federal gov't is on record that it does not accept state actions of de-criminal or legalization as valid and that federal law oversteps state law in all areas.

You people wanted to feed this beast so now you have it.

In regards to growing marijuana under state law and getting all applicable license from the state to do so, that may stop the individual state from asset forfeiture but it does not stop the Federal gov't. Federal gov't is on record that it does not accept state actions of de-criminal or legalization as valid and that federal law oversteps state law in all areas.

You people wanted to feed this beast so now you have it.

Has this been tested in the SCotUS ?


Well-Known Member
Has this been tested in the SCotUS ?

Not to my knowledge specifically with marijuana but the Feds still stand behind the precedence of federal law over state law which has been upheld by SCOTUS in other areas. In 2008' in Altria Group v Good (555 US 70) SCOTUS said the following:

a federal law that conflicts with a state law will trump, or "preempt", that state law

The precedence of what is called pre-emption goes back to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (Art. 6, Clause 2) but the problem with this is that the signators of the Constitution understood supremacy in relationship to the specific authorities as described for example in Art. 1 and Art. 2 in regards to the delegated authority granted to the executive branch (Art. 1) and the Congress (Art. 2) but like Dorothy, we ain't in Kansas anymore!

So far the Obama administration has held at bay mostly I would think for purely political reasons but say in the case of a President Gingrich, all bets are off. Gingrich has even advocated the death penalty for drug dealers so no telling how far that fat ass fascist will go to achieve the power he so desires. Obama if granted a 2nd term will not have to face any re-election so that threat as a checks and balance are off so no telling with that what he would do with another 4 years. After watching the first 4, many good folk on the principled left are asking really serious questions about that very reality and many of growing number are walking away from Obama and the democrats.

So far everyone seems to like Paul but afraid to vote for him (variety of reasons) so I'll leave him out of the mix but he would work to rebalance the over extension of the Supremacy Clause and federal pre-emption like for example the nutty drug war. A war which has decimated the african american community and torn it apart with what appears as a velvet glove but hides an iron fist inside. Since Paul is out, this leaves as it appears now only Romney left and I'd look for him in his first term to be similar to Obama on the drug issue. A status quo for the moment but don't bet it won't get worse either under him.

Everything is in place to steamroll our :censored2: anytime they want too and there is little you or I can do to stop it. Sad part is, you guys just keep going back every 4 years and play the very game they want you too and then you bitch because it always only gets worse. And whose fault is that?


Correction: Art 1 is Congress and Art 2 is Executive, Sorry!


golden ticket member
Barack will be testing the 'mary jane' along with the SCOTUS !! Date is pending.

Ginsberg will get the ganja.......

A roach for Roberts.
Some stems for Scalia
Kumba for Kennedy
A toke for Thomas.
A bong for Breyer.
Ace for Alito
Sasfras for Sotomayer
A kick stick for Kagan.

That will be ONE BIG DAY fot the Supreme Court !!