Let's say we vote NO..... now what?

How Now Brown Cow

Well-Known Member
Ive never seen a combo involving ground driving. Arent combo workers paid on a lower pay scale than we are

This is what I thought too. Taking a 22.3 job in my center is a pay cut from full time driving. Not just because of the OT, but because of the pay rate. I thought the top rate is $30.xx

We don't have any options that pay driver rate, without driving FT


Well-Known Member
When I read that there was a "handshake" on this new "proposed" contract - a shiver ran down to my toes. This is going to be another dragged out contract. Any of the important issues haven't been addressed.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Another option day because of Black Friday being gone
WHERE DID YOU GET THIS? This has not been told to the bargaining unit members! Has this information been given to management???

What would you ask for in return? Please elaborate. That's why I started this thread, I wanted to hear what people needed for them to vote Yes.

I don't think getting hybrid language taken out and allowing routes that cover weekends would be a total loss at negotiating.

WTF? That is what they are doing now! It is neither a gain nor a loss. I am waiting for them to come in here and say, "we got a win! We got rid of the duel wage structure and we can now deliver weekends!"

How Now Brown Cow

Well-Known Member
WHERE DID YOU GET THIS? This has not been told to the bargaining unit members! Has this information been given to management???
WTF? That is what they are doing now! It is neither a gain nor a loss. I am waiting for them to come in here and say, "we got a win! We got rid of the duel wage structure and we can now deliver weekends!"

I didn't say that intending it to be taken as actual. It was in a list of things that I thought maybe would get people to vote Yes. That was the whole point of this thread. The question is/was "what would have to change to get a yes vote from you"
Nobody is working saturdays here except air drivers, and on select Saturdays they look for volunteers to help with that air volume. So any weekend ground work would be a big change for us.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
It was a big change for us! Almost 1/2 the seniority list was moved to a Tues-Sat schedule!


Well-Known Member
off topic; I worked for Boeing as a machinist before coming to UPS, we went on strike in 2008 for 2 months. Picket duty was interesting, while most people in the community were supportive there were more than a few haters driving by us yelling obscenities. There was one woman who would park across the street from us and shout, "Go back to work you overpaid bums! You should be happy you even have jobs!" So, yeah.. That's just something to look forward to if a strike happens.

I'll never forget the buses with blacked out windows crossing the picket line, bringing all the scabs in to work. They'd park at an undisclosed location then take that bus into the factory so strikers wouldn't know who they were. However we'd find out who some of those people were and after the strike virtually NO ONE would speak to them. They were ghosts from that point on.

How Now Brown Cow

Well-Known Member
I still don't know what they would attempt to change. I'm not sure if they will been listening to why people wanted to vote no. It seems like there would need to be a lot of language added to make 22.4 positions reasonable. Will they abandon it and just want to make Tuesday through Saturday and Wednesday through Saturday positions.
Certainly the raise the PT rate with Amazons announcement.
I wonder if they'll try to be quick about it, or if that'll wait until after peak. guess we'll find out eventually


Gravy route
Make all OT after 60 completely optional ,year round.
22.4...Only driving on weekdays during peak...Sat and Sundays non-peak.
All Reg pkg drivers can decline Sat and Sun work year round.
Limit subcontracting for feeders.
Straight 3% raises for wages AND pensions.
Non-peak pkg drivers can bring back stops as missed if it would cause them to be over 11 hrs worked.
9.5 violations result in penalty pay or ability in the future to bring back as missed any stops after 9.5 (driver's choice)

Just my thoughts.