El Correcto

god is dead

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I usually just Flush the Brown stuff, but here it goes.... There's nothing that makes me react negatively to homosexual or heterosexual behavior as long as when it progresses it is done in privacy. I don't judge people on the color of their skin or their sexuality as long as they have their clothes on.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why do you waste your time with all these dumb arguments?
Not a waste of time for me. You've never answered the arguments. All you've ever done is cry victim and bash scripture.
You deny that laws of nature exist? You might want to check it out. Law, not theory.
You deny there is no science that humans are born gay? There's absolutely is no homosexual gene. Science, not wishful thinking.
You deny it's a choice? Given, the level of difficulty or the ease of making the choice is different for everyone when choosing right or wrong but, you taking choice out of something simply by calling it right or society calling it right , doesn't make it right. Society changes, laws do not.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Worried you might yet be turned? LOL
Not a waste of time for me. You've never answered the arguments. All you've ever done is cry victim and bash scripture.
You deny that laws of nature exist? You might want to check it out. Law, not theory.
You deny there is no science that humans are born gay? There's absolutely is no homosexual gene. Science, not wishful thinking.
You deny it's a choice? Given, the level of difficulty or the ease of making the choice is different for everyone when choosing right or wrong but, you taking choice out of something simply by calling it right or society calling it right , doesn't make it right. Society changes, laws do not.
Got an answer?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No straw man here. Facts.
We may have but, you have yet to answer.
I understand that it's hard to feel like it when you can't counter.
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