
Binge Poster
We'll all be judged by the life we live.
Who will be the judge?
The Bible, God's word, tells us on what we will be judged.
Yes. God’s holy standard, perfection.
Jesus was sent to intercede for us as a perfect sacrifice.
Sacrifice for what?
Our imperfections are covered by his blood.
So all our imperfections are covered, correct?
But nowhere in the Bible are we taught that anything goes, do what we like, it doesn't matter.
So tell me what imperfections are then not covered by Jesus sacrifice.
Ultimately it's up to you by the life you live.
My belief it is up to God by the life Jesus lived, the life I never could live.


Well-Known Member
Who will be the judge?

Yes. God’s holy standard, perfection.

Sacrifice for what?

So all our imperfections are covered, correct?

So tell me what imperfections are then not covered by Jesus sacrifice.

My belief it is up to God by the life Jesus lived, the life I never could live.
I would suggest you study the Bible further and see for yourself. It's good that you care and want to do the right thing. But be certain what the Bible says is the right thing.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t know what you mean.

My belief is that Creator God is personal to everyone.

IMO Things of religion can be helpful and harmful.

I take what I want and leave the rest.
And that isn’t Christianity as laid out in the Bible, soooo kindly but out while I’m discussing their texts.


Well-Known Member
Let’s start with it roots, open up your silly jew book to Leviticus and tell me what the desert dwellers prescribe for homosexuals.

Hint: brutal death.
Again you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Bible. The Old Testament, the law of sin and death, was done away with. If you want similar today you'll have to look at Islam. They execute gays and often in extremely brutal ways. Christians believe it is sin, but it's up to God to judge you. Anyone who claims Christianity but does physical harm to homosexuals is in violation of God's word. People can claim to be anything, but you won't find in the New Testament instructions to harm you.


Binge Poster
For your New Testament pleasure :
"Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God."- 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10

You have evidently failed to develop in the homo info area.
I disagree.