
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Since you are pressing me
It's the only way to get a straight answer from you when asked a straight question.
I will say yes, I believe salvation for all is unconditional.
If there are no conditions one must meet to be saved, you just put Hitler in heaven.

You are a Universalist. You believe all will be saved.
Which again, like all of your positions we've addressed( Jesus and the temple, homosexuality, abortion, literal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, literal communication from God) is the polar opposite of what God's Word teaches.
"But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it."- Matthew 7:14 ESV
I don't know how many few is, but I know it's not all.


Strength through joy

The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines 'sex' as 'either male or female, at birth,'
The Kansas measure covers prisons, jails, rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters and other spaces 'where biology, safety or privacy' prompt separate facilities for men and women.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines 'sex' as 'either male or female, at birth,'
The Kansas measure covers prisons, jails, rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters and other spaces 'where biology, safety or privacy' prompt separate facilities for men and women.
Their idiot democrat governor would have vetoed it if it didn’t pass with a veto proof majority.


Binge Poster
It's the only way to get a straight answer from you when asked a straight question.
Just trying to work with you my friend.
If there are no conditions one must meet to be saved, you just put Hitler in heaven.
No, I don’t hold that power, that would be a work of God that would accomplish that.
You are a Universalist.
I do not identify as a Universalist.
You believe all will be saved.
Did I say that?
Which again, like all of your positions we've addressed( Jesus and the temple, homosexuality, abortion, literal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, literal communication from God) is the polar opposite of what God's Word teaches.
That is your interpretation and opinion.

I respect that.

My interpretation and opinion is different.
"But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it."- Matthew 7:14 ESV
I don't know how many few is, but I know it's not all.
I do think a misunderstanding of sort exists here.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Just trying to work with you my friend.

No, I don’t hold that power, that would be a work of God that would accomplish that.

I do not identify as a Universalist.

Did I say that?

That is your interpretation and opinion.

I respect that.

My interpretation and opinion is different.

I do think a misunderstanding of sort exists here.
What would you say to a person who asked you, what must I do to be saved?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Salvation is a work of God, no?
By “work of God” based on your other comments, you are a Calvinist. Meaning no matter what a person does, right or wrong, it will not make any difference in determining their eternal destiny.That God has predestined/ predetermined/ already decided who will be saved and lost, no?
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