
Binge Poster
Stop it. Now you’re being nonsensical
I don’t see it that way.

To me it seems more nonsensical for anyone other than God to think they can ultimately judge someone ‘s belief or path as one leading to hell.

I believe that is between the person and God.
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Well-Known Member
I don’t see it that way.

To me it seems more nonsensical for anyone other than God to think they can ultimately judge someone ‘s belief or path as one leading to hell.

I believe that is between the person and God.
You don't have to take our word for it, just read your Bible. Oh, wait.....


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
That is awesome. God is the source of all. I encourage you to believe him and listen to Him alone.
Why would I listen to a God who supports killing unborn babies? Why would I listen to a God who has no problem with two men screwing each other or two women licking each other to death? Why would I listen to a God who thinks encouraging children to go down these paths with pornographic pictures is fine because who are we to judge what is obscene? Thank goodness there is a God who has no moral absolutes because who are we to judge anyways? All is well, do what feels good, in the long run who really cares?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why would I listen to a God who supports killing unborn babies? Why would I listen to a God who has no problem with two men screwing each other or two women licking each other to death? Why would I listen to a God who thinks encouraging children to go down these paths with pornographic pictures is fine because who are we to judge what is obscene? Thank goodness there is a God who has no moral absolutes because who are we to judge anyways? All is well, do what feels good, in the long run who really cares?
The religion of @Integrity.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Why would I listen to a God who supports killing unborn babies? Why would I listen to a God who has no problem with two men screwing each other or two women licking each other to death? Why would I listen to a God who thinks encouraging children to go down these paths with pornographic pictures is fine because who are we to judge what is obscene? Thank goodness there is a God who has no moral absolutes because who are we to judge anyways? All is well, do what feels good, in the long run who really cares?
I’ll bet he keeps crystals around the house too. You mentioned 2 women licking each other to death, care to elaborate? Maybe a video? Asking for a friend.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Is he? All? You might want to get a radio check on that one he told you.
If all, that would mean God is the source of sickness, abortion, homosexuality, porn, murder, lies, stealing, idolatry, etc.
All goodness is from God, not sin. To believe otherwise is heresy. You may as well be an apostate.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s as you said, Universalism, as long as you’re a good person, no problem, heaven awaits. No commitment necessary.
The"good person" part doesn't even count because good is subjective.
It says everybody will be saved because of the love of God. And by everybody, I mean everybody. Hitler, Stalin.etc.