
Well-Known Member

No, I do agree.

I can’t explain that.

Because I believe God loves everyone just as they are.
So in a time when homosexuality would be a death sentence and was clearly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments you believe Jesus was accepting homosexuals as ok, as well as others who commit serious sin? There was no need to repent, confess Jesus is the son of God, be baptized for the remission of sins because Jesus was at that time accepting homosexuals, thieves, murderers, liars, etc without any effort on their part?


Binge Poster
So in a time when homosexuality would be a death sentence and was clearly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments you believe Jesus was accepting homosexuals as ok, as well as others who commit serious sin?
There was no need to repent, confess Jesus is the son of God, be baptized for the remission of sins because Jesus was at that time accepting homosexuals, thieves, murderers, liars, etc without any effort on their part?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

No I did not agree to that.

I agreed that the Bible teaches that yes.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
While God is love, he is also a just God. There will be justice pronounced and a just reward or sentence for eternity given to all.
You make God a liar from the lies you spout.


Binge Poster
Nothing could be further from the truth.
While God is love, he is also a just God. There will be justice pronounced and a just reward or sentence for eternity given to all.
I understand your belief and that may be what the Holy Spirit tells you but He doesn’t tell me the same thing. I have to go with the Holy Spirit’s leading and I encourage you to do the same. I will not stop loving you unconditional as He alone is my source.
You make God a liar from the lies you spout.
I have no power to make God anything. He alone makes all and is source of all. The Holy Spirit leads me to belief that what I say or do cannot change the unchangeable .


Well-Known Member
I understand your belief and that may be what the Holy Spirit tells you but He doesn’t tell me the same thing. I have to go with the Holy Spirit’s leading and I encourage you to do the same. I will not stop loving you unconditional as He alone is my source.

I have no power to make God anything. He alone makes all and is source of all. The Holy Spirit leads me to belief that what I say or do cannot change the unchangeable .
So the Holy Spirit isn't consistent? He sends mixed signals? On the one hand he told the chosen apostles of Jesus to write about things you oppose, and he told you to do the opposite?


Binge Poster
So the Holy Spirit isn't consistent?
You should ask Him and do what He says even if it disagrees with me.
He sends mixed signals?
If He wants I suppose.
On the one hand he told the chosen apostles of Jesus to write about things you oppose, and he told you to do the opposite?
I wouldn’t describe it that way but if that’s the Holy Spirit’s revelation about it to you I would encourage you to follow His leading and guidance.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You should ask Him and do what He says even if it disagrees with me.

If He wants I suppose.

I wouldn’t describe it that way but if that’s the Holy Spirit’s revelation about it to you I would encourage you to follow His leading and guidance.


Binge Poster
God's Word calls you a liar and an infidel.
It's the only point you need to be sure of.
I do not believe God is a name caller.

Well maybe beloved.

I don’t believe the Bible is a talking book.

I believe that apart from the Holy Spirit’s revelation and interpretation it cannot be understood.