
Well-Known Member
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When Obergefell is overturned, same-sex marriage instantly becomes illegal again in every red state.


Well-Known Member
Kevin McCarthy cheated on his spouse
MTG cheated on her spouse
Kristi Noem cheated on her spouse
Lauren Boebert cheated on her spouse
Jason Miller cheated on his spouse several times
Donald Trump cheated on his spouse several times.

The LGBTQs are killing family values? Just stop.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Kevin McCarthy cheated on his spouse
MTG cheated on her spouse
Kristi Noem cheated on her spouse
Lauren Boebert cheated on her spouse
Jason Miller cheated on his spouse several times
Donald Trump cheated on his spouse several times.

The LGBTQs are killing family values? Just stop.
CHILDREN, and their welfare and education, are the primary concerns of the nuclear family. The instilling of a moral code that supports both family and society is the objective.

Pointing to the failures of others while turning a blind eye to the excesses portrayed by the Alphabet Soup Society is a weak argument for equivalence.

Just stop.


Well-Known Member
Kevin McCarthy cheated on his spouse
MTG cheated on her spouse
Kristi Noem cheated on her spouse
Lauren Boebert cheated on her spouse
Jason Miller cheated on his spouse several times
Donald Trump cheated on his spouse several times.

The LGBTQs are killing family values? Just stop.
When AIDS hit in the '80's it came out that the disease spread like wildfire through the gay community because gay men tended to have dozens to hundreds of different sex partners in a year's time.

So don't hold up homosexuals as paragons of virtue.


Well-Known Member
Woke ignorance has no limit.

I've noticed that. It gets a bit more bizarre and surreal every year. Alot faster since the beginning of covid, and hasn't slowed.

But in Target's case the "limit" is going out of business.

If this is all true, then the only explanation is that they're intentionally going out of business.