
Got the T-Shirt


Bad Moon Risen'
Nothing Christian about that.
Church should have done the right thing and reported the abuse to law enforcement but they chose to protect their brand. Gotta keep the flock donating their dollars. Then when they get exposed they claim bankruptcy instead of making the victims whole. Sick cult some people belong to.


Strength through joy
Does anyone need more proof that it's all about having a mental illness ?
  • Jason Lee Willie, who identifies as 'Alexia N. Willie,' allegedly modeled threats after the transgender Nashville Christian Covenant School shooter
  • The charges, filed on Nov. 7, include threats to kill and rape children, inject people with HIV, and target black people
  • 'I catch your daughters in them bathrooms alone, I am gonna :censored2: them. I mean I am gonna :censored2: :censored2: them until they're dead,' Willie allegedly said