
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You brought up being gay prevents me from being christian. That isn’t the case.
No. I quoted a passage that showed there were homosexuals who repented and the became Christians. That is the case.
If you're saying you can be a Christian while you practice homosexuality, yes you can, but you need to recognize it is a sin and be actively involved in ceasing the sin and not practicing the sin, seeking forgiveness when you fail, seeking mercy and grace to eventually no longer be involved in the sin.
You can always bend scripture and fairytales to suit your needs.
You certainly do. If you think the Bible teaches that you can be a practicing homo and God is fine with it and a reward in heaven is waiting for you, I'm afraid you bent the fairy tale well past what God needs.
The path of least resistance is to accept religion. It’s why so many do it.
I'd have to disagree with this.
For some Christianity is nothing more than a manipulative ploy to gain common ground with others.
Maybe so.

El Correcto

god is dead
No. I quoted a passage that showed there were homosexuals who repented and the became Christians. That is the case.
If you're saying you can be a Christian while you practice homosexuality, yes you can, but you need to recognize it is a sin and be actively involved in ceasing the sin and not practicing the sin, seeking forgiveness when you fail, seeking mercy and grace to eventually no longer be involved in the sin.
It’s not my belief, I find them even more ridiculous than you.
You certainly do. If you think the Bible teaches that you can be a practicing homo and God is fine with it and a reward in heaven is waiting for you, I'm afraid you bent the fairy tale well past what God needs.
Not my belief.
I'd have to disagree with this.
How is not agreeing and sharing a similar ideology to 80%+ of the people in your country not the path of least resistance?
I believe the Bible teaches that.
Job, the oldest book in scripture as well as the creation account.
Because you’re silly.

El Correcto

god is dead
No it isn't.
There were no dinos when there were Christians.
That is the deflection.

That's right. I do.
Then why not just admit this in this first place instead of trying to deflect and obfuscate the point by bringing up the first humans were not Christians.
That's a fact.
I know it is.
lol. I can't help your ignorance if you thought the first humans were Christians. lol
I didn’t, that’s part of your deflection. You can only deflect and personally attack because your beliefs are stupid.

El Correcto

god is dead
Quit crying about a deflection that didn't happen.
What a waste of time.
Yeah, man. You're spot on.
Yea you deflected, you tried to mislead him away from the argument in a disingenuous manner. You know what you believe when it comes to humans and dinosaurs and feel stupid having to explain it to someone else. Which you should.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There were no dinos when there were Christians.
Nah... There wasn't a dinosaur around 2000 years ago when the first Christian came on the scene.
It’s a deflection from your belief.
This is a factual statement.
Careful about sounding silly when you don't have to.
That is the deflection.
Deflection! Deflection! Deflection!
Because you’re silly.
I may be, but you're still a gay (a dick sucking up the ass ) secular humanist.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Good, glad you realize your place now.
You might as well stand on your hatred for the sake of hatred than trying to rationalize it as moral or grounded in fact.
There you go again. You go from spouting about dinos/man to minimizing what I believe (actually me personally), to insults.
So I define what gay is, disagree with you, and you call it hatred.
Flaming up as you do limits discussion.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Geeeeez. You guys sure like arguing for the sake of argument. Y’all have too much free time. I’d rather watch grass grow or paint dry. Why argue with someone you know whose mind you can never change?