
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes you do, perversion and abnormal when it comes to human sexuality.
Sorry. I thought you liked definitions pulled straight from the dictionary.

Most of your points of view about reality are subjective to the most extreme, straight up denial of objective truth. Evolution, dinosaurs and humans, believing in miracles, etc.

All the silly religious beliefs you hold are deeply subjective to you and your fellow silly people, they are not based on any objective truth or scientific observation.
You continue to describe my position as silly.
Talk about silly, the stuff you affirm is hilarious.
You continue to reject what is so obvious.

It’s all good. You’re a secular humanistic homo. If you weren’t, you would have to be accountable and change. It’s the path of least resistance.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yes you do, perversion and abnormal when it comes to human sexuality.

Most of your points of view about reality are subjective to the most extreme, straight up denial of objective truth. Evolution, dinosaurs and humans, believing in miracles, etc.

All the silly religious beliefs you hold are deeply subjective to you and your fellow silly people, they are not based on any objective truth or scientific observation.
You continue to describe my position as silly.
Talk about silly, the stuff you affirm is hilarious.

I haven't been following the full beef between you two. Do some Christians believe Jesus could've ridden on a T-Rex or something? That'd be fun.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

El Correcto

god is dead
Nah... There wasn't a dinosaur around 2000 years ago when the first Christian came on the scene.
You’re not being honest.
Careful lying about the argument Tommy.
You are a crazy person who believe dinosaurs and human being lived on the earth at the same time despite it being a fact most children learn about dinosaurs that they died off millions of years before us.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sorry. I thought you liked definitions pulled straight from the dictionary.

You continue to describe my position as silly.
Talk about silly, the stuff you affirm is hilarious.
You continue to reject what is so obvious.
You continue to reject mountains of scientific progress in favor of a Jewish fairytale and cult.
It’s all good. You’re a secular humanistic homo. If you weren’t, you would have to be accountable and change.
That isn’t what made me an atheist, plenty of gays believe ridiculous things like you do.
It’s the path of least resistance.
No it’s really not. The path of least resistance and the most manipulative one in western society is paying lip service to religion. That’s why most your politicians do it.

El Correcto

god is dead

Plenty of Christian religious institution are moving to allow gay marriage/pastors as well.

Christianity is not a monolith like you would believe. There are plenty of ways to bend that fairytale to your subjective needs.
I would not struggle at all to be a Christian if I was dumb enough to take fairytales literally at a young age.

El Correcto

god is dead
This is a factual statement.
Careful about sounding silly when you don't have to.
It’s a deflection from your belief.
You believe human beings and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
When Christians arrived isn’t when you believe humans arrived.

You’re making misleading statements to deflect from having to stand your ground on an easily disprovable and silly belief you hold.

El Correcto

god is dead
You brought up being gay prevents me from being christian. That isn’t the case.
Many gay people are Christians, there was even a gay god believer on this site at one point. You can always bend scripture and fairytales to suit your needs.

The path of least resistance is to accept religion. It’s why so many do it. For some Christianity is nothing more than a manipulative ploy to gain common ground with others.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s a deflection from your belief.
No it isn't.
There were no dinos when there were Christians.
You believe human beings and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
That's right. I do.
When Christians arrived isn’t when you believe humans arrived.
That's a fact.
You’re making misleading statements to deflect from having to stand your ground on an easily disprovable and silly belief you hold.
lol. I can't help your ignorance if you thought the first humans were Christians. lol