El Correcto

god is dead
Takes one to know one, thweetie

El Correcto

god is dead
You miss again. And again. I don't know how to word it so you will see the point.

Whether you suck di**s.
You shoot somebody.
You steal a loaf of bread.
You lie.
If you are born a :censored2: sucker. If you are born a killer. If you are a born thief. If you are a born liar.
If you are given an opportunity to any of these things you HAVE to do it. You have NO choice.
The end result of somebody having NO choice, whether good or bad, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.
GET IT. If you base one thing on born that way and have NO choice in the matter, there is NO stopping place .

If one has NO choice, there is NO guilt. NO accountability. Therefor the murderer, the thief , the liar, CANNOT be charged for what they have done. They were simply doing what they were BORN to do and had NO choice in the matter.
Don’t get frustrated friend, I’ll calmly explain to you once again.

I never chose to be attracted to men, it was just a naturally occurring thing for me to have gay tendencies. I chose to act on the same sex attraction. So in that I am guilty, of seeking out people I’m attracted to. Just like if you’re a born psychopath who develops sadistic tendencies, you don’t have a choice in that. But if you choose to act on them and kill people to fulfill your need you’re guilty like I am, of acting on what was naturally occurring feelings.

The difference is, I don’t hurt people. They do. Tough luck on being born a psychopth and developing a sadistic compulsions, you’ll have to control it or face societies wrath, we don’t allow murder because it inhibits other people’s lives and your happiness in murdering people doesn’t out weigh those people’s right to life. We allow gay people because me having a relationship with another man doesn’t in anyway harm other people by itself. It is my business and my life to live, quit being a clown and confusing your religious beliefs as fact.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Where does your god come from?
Did this dance a 100 times..
It is hard for a physical being , physical minded being, to comprehend a spiritual being or state of being.
ALL things physical must be created, made , built ,etc., and have a beginning and an end.
God is a Spirit . He has no beginning and he has no end, He always was and he always will be.

El Correcto

god is dead
Did this dance a 100 times..
It is hard for a physical being , physical minded being, to comprehend a spiritual being or state of being.
ALL things physical must be created, made , built ,etc., and have a beginning and an end.
God is a Spirit . He has no beginning and he has no end, He always was and he always will be.
It’s hard for you to grasp a lot of things. So until then God came from nothing.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don’t get frustrated friend
WongDong ... zero frustration
I’ll calmly explain to you once again.
I'll go for it also.
I never chose to be attracted to men, it was just a naturally occurring thing for me to have gay tendencies.
Maybe this should be the focus.
We are all born with natural tendencies.A tendency to do or be attracted to something is NOT the same thing as NOT having a choice. If I have more of a tendency to fool around on my wife than the next guy, I still have a choice. It just means I have to fight the temptation to do wrong more than the next guy because I have more , fool around on my wife tendencies . The choice will be harder, but I still have choice. Just because you have tendencies to do something does not make the action right.
The difference is, I don’t hurt people.
Again and again and again.
This difference makes no difference with the point you miss.
If a person has no choice (born that way)in a situation to do something, that means there is no process in which he even questions his actions, that person is not accountable or responsible or guilty or not guilty.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Im OK with not knowing everything right now. But I don’t buy that sky man did it just because the sheep herders said he did.
We all know you're ok with it.
And "not knowing everything right now" is a good way of saying , I know something can't come from nothing and I am not going to admit that so I'll laugh at sheep herders and throw my inconsistency off on them.

El Correcto

god is dead
WongDong ... zero frustration

I'll go for it also.

Maybe this should be the focus.
We are all born with natural tendencies.A tendency to do or be attracted to something is NOT the same thing as NOT having a choice. If I have more of a tendency to fool around on my wife than the next guy, I still have a choice. It just means I have to fight the temptation to do wrong more than the next guy because I have more , fool around on my wife tendencies . The choice will be harder, but I still have choice. Just because you have tendencies to do something does not make the action right.

Again and again and again.
This difference makes no difference with the point you miss.
If a person has no choice (born that way)in a situation to do something, that means there is no process in which he even questions his actions, that person is not accountable or responsible or guilty or not guilty.
Dude you can be born a way and still have a choice. The choice to act on your natural tendencies or not. Just like you were born a jackass and choose to spew your non sense for me to mock.