
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I give you infinite shots to grasp that me having gay relations isn’t comparable to harming another person. A murderer can’t use the same argument because he hurts people. Just like a thief, an adulterer or in some cases such as false testimony of guilt a liar.
You miss again. And again. I don't know how to word it so you will see the point.

Whether you suck di**s.
You shoot somebody.
You steal a loaf of bread.
You lie.
If you are born a :censored2: sucker. If you are born a killer. If you are a born thief. If you are a born liar.
If you are given an opportunity to any of these things you HAVE to do it. You have NO choice.
The end result of somebody having NO choice, whether good or bad, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.
GET IT. If you base one thing on born that way and have NO choice in the matter, there is NO stopping place .

If one has NO choice, there is NO guilt. NO accountability. Therefor the murderer, the thief , the liar, CANNOT be charged for what they have done. They were simply doing what they were BORN to do and had NO choice in the matter.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Show me where it says homosexual or gay in the Bible or anything that specifies man on man action.

"Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error." -- Romans 1:24 -26

El Correcto

god is dead
Jesus was a Jew, and he fulfilled the law. Everything that we need to follow from the Old Testament is included in the New Testament.
Where does it say that? I’m pretty sure it says the exact opposite of that.. but I don’t keep up with your desert trilogies.

It’s funny to me when people highlight all the horrible :censored2: the Old Testament says and Christians say we only obey the New Testament. Then they see gay people and it’s Leviticus this Leviticus that.

Make up your mind, do you intend to embrace the Old Testament?

El Correcto

god is dead
You miss again. And again. I don't know how to word it so you will see the point.

Whether you suck di**s.
You shoot somebody.
You steal a loaf of bread.
You lie.
If you are born a :censored2: sucker. If you are born a killer. If you are a born thief. If you are a born liar.
If you are given an opportunity to any of these things you HAVE to do it. You have NO choice.
The end result of somebody having NO choice, whether good or bad, MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.
GET IT. If you base one thing on born that way and have NO choice in the matter, there is NO stopping place .

If one has NO choice, there is NO guilt. NO accountability. Therefor the murderer, the thief , the liar, CANNOT be charged for what they have done. They were simply doing what they were BORN to do and had NO choice in the matter.
I’ve been gay for as long as I can recall. When my older brother caught me with guys he would steal our underwear and run off to my mom to snitch. Endless harassment and humiliation on the daily.

You have no choice in how you’re born. Primary psychopaths are born everyday friend. They still have a choice, some :censored2: up, some don’t.

Why does my choice to live happily and openly as a gay man bother you? How am I hurting anyone?


Well-Known Member
Where does it say that? I’m pretty sure it says the exact opposite of that.. but I don’t keep up with your desert trilogies.

It’s funny to me when people highlight all the horrible :censored2: the Old Testament says and Christians say we only obey the New Testament. Then they see gay people and it’s Leviticus this Leviticus that.

Make up your mind, do you intend to embrace the Old Testament?
The Old Testament was the law of sin and death. We have freedom under Christ in the New Testament to choose to obey him or not. But choices have consequences.

El Correcto

god is dead
"Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error." -- Romans 1:24 -26
Jesus didn’t say that you liar. You should repent for your blasphemy.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Jesus didn’t say that you liar. You should repent for your blasphemy.
Jesus is a fictional character in a fictional book.
god doesn't exist.
You believe a transgendered clone of adam ate an apple that a talking snake told her to eat therefore everyone is born a sinner.
Wearing unnatural fibers is a sin...wearing a UPS uniform means you will go to hell.
If you have tattoos you will go to hell.
My favorite part of the bible are when jesus is alone talking to god(himself) and someone who wasn't there is writing about it.

How did adam and eve know it was wrong to eat the apple when they had to eat the apple to learn right and wrong?

If an omniscient, omnipresent perfect being is the mastermind behind the bible, then why does the book only reflect the culture, science, history, literature, technology, morals and values of the era in which it was written? Why are there so many versions of it?
Why so many inaccuracies and inconsistencies? Why is it open to so many interpretations? Why does it include stoning, torture, murder, slavery, incest, rape, homophobia, burning, bigotry and chauvinism? Why would anyone have to ask so many questions about the bible if it is the go to source for truth and the ultimate guide to morality?
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You have no choice in how you're born
Conflicts with
Why does my choice to live happily and openly as gay

You have no choice in how you’re born.
You make that statement as if it is a proven fact that one is born gay. It is not. In fact, the weight of research proves you are not.
Primary psychopaths are born everyday friend. They still have a choice
So the psychopaths have a choice but homosexuals don't?
Why does my choice to live happily and openly as a gay man bother you? How am I hurting you?
If you had no choice, it wouldn't bother me at all.
Sin bothers me. We all sin. The choice of right or wrong faces each of us everyday. The lines of what is right and what is wrong continue to blur.
If you call something right that is wrong or justify it by false reasoning like you have done, the red flag goes up for me because the battle is lost.
When a society or culture or a person decides and accepts what is wrong, isn't wrong anymore, that choice hurts everyone.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Takes one to know one, thweetie