El Correcto

god is dead
I'm a Christian, and put people being able to feed, clothe, and house themselves above the "winners" living the good life. If you believe all there is is the here and now then not surprising you want to grab as much as you can for yourself. And hate anything that stands in your way.
You’re a liberal.

I do the opposite of telling y’all to shut up. I constantly ask tommy to tell us his gay sex and murder theory or your big government socialists beliefs. You clowns speaking is the best argument against your ideas. I don’t even have to partake in the conversation just turn on the bs valve and let it flow.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
We have an obligation to warn others who are openly engaging in sin. But once warned we can move on. However if you're going to argue a point on a discussion forum Christians have just as much right to assert their views as anyone else. Non-Christians often have a hard time with that.

Mic drop


Well-Known Member
You’re a liberal.

I do the opposite of telling y’all to shut up. I constantly ask tommy to tell us his gay sex and murder theory or your big government socialists beliefs. You clowns speaking is the best argument against your ideas. I don’t even have to partake in the conversation just turn on the bs valve and let it flow.
I'd say you act like you've got a stick up your ass but you'd enjoy that.

El Correcto

god is dead
so mocking Christians makes society less harmed?
Depends on what you’re mocking them for.

I don’t see Christians picking up litter in a park or doing a charity drive for cancer kids and think :censored2: those stupid cultists.

But when I see Christians pushing pseudoscience on sexuality and bashing gay people as unnatural, they deserve to be mocked.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So is Donald Trump going to burn in eternal hellfire or what?

The question for each of us is whether we will.

So we shouldn't worry about the gays or Trump?

So are Christians going to warn about Trump openly engaging in adultery, greed and swindling per 1 Cor. 6:9 -10?

Verse 11
"And such WERE some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
Were..past tense ...conversion took place...repentance & baptism .. now sanctified ( set apart ..effort not to practice sins once involved in) justified (forgiven because of Jesus Christ )


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you’re mocking them for.

I don’t see Christians picking up litter in a park or doing a charity drive for cancer kids and think :censored2: those stupid cultists.

But when I see Christians pushing pseudoscience on sexuality and bashing gay people as unnatural, they deserve to be mocked.
Fair enough, and what are you hoping to accomplish by the mocking? Maybe I haven't read this thread deep enough on all of the posts, but I'm not sure what the end game is with the mocking. Is it supposed to make someone shut up? Or to make others see how superior your point is?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
He's talking against polygamy there.
That all you got?
A passage about polygamy, a passage about divorce, and a passage about Paul years after Jesus was gone.

You got nothing Toiletboy Tommy.
Polygamy? lol
You have to have help not to see Matt.19 clearly teaches that homosexuality is wrong from the beginning. smh

So an Apostle of Jesus Christ , writing from direct inspiration from God, 20 years after the death of Jesus , a letter contained in the canon of scripture , his words have no authority and are not what Jesus taught? LOL

You really "got nuthin "... Do you think it's no backbone or sense ? I'm gonna go with sense.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I constantly ask tommy to tell us his gay sex and murder theory
Okey Dokey..WongDong...Last shot
Try not to flame up too fast or you will miss the point like you did the first time you heard it.

You were talking about your "feelings" and being "born gay" and how natural it was to you. You had and have no choice.
My point was that a murderer could use the same argument that you are using, to justify murder. Killing someone comes as natural as breathing to the natural born murderer. In fact, he doesn't have a choice whether or not to kill. He thinks nothing of it when he does it. He was born that way.
Put up anyone.... Thief, liar, adulterer, given the opportunity, they have no choice but to steal, lie , or fool around on their spouse .
No choice. Not guilty.

El Correcto

god is dead
Okey Dokey..WongDong...Last shot
Try not to flame up too fast or you will miss the point like you did the first time you heard it.

You were talking about your "feelings" and being "born gay" and how natural it was to you. You had and have no choice.
My point was that a murderer could use the same argument that you are using, to justify murder. Killing someone comes as natural as breathing to the natural born murderer. In fact, he doesn't have a choice whether or not to kill. He thinks nothing of it when he does it. He was born that way.
Put up anyone.... Thief, liar, adulterer, given the opportunity, they have no choice but to steal, lie , or fool around on their spouse .
No choice. Not guilty.
I give you infinite shots to grasp that me having gay relations isn’t comparable to harming another person. A murderer can’t use the same argument because he hurts people. Just like a thief, an adulterer or in some cases such as false testimony of guilt a liar.


Well-Known Member
I give you infinite shots to grasp that me having gay relations isn’t comparable to harming another person. A murderer can’t use the same argument because he hurts people. Just like a thief, an adulterer or in some cases such as false testimony of guilt a liar.
The Bible doesn't specify that if it's between consenting adults and no one gets hurt it's ok. Sin is sin. You can accept that or reject it, your choice. Choices have consequences though.
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El Correcto

god is dead
Fair enough, and what are you hoping to accomplish by the mocking? Maybe I haven't read this thread deep enough on all of the posts, but I'm not sure what the end game is with the mocking. Is it supposed to make someone shut up? Or to make others see how superior your point is?
Don’t over think it. This has been almost a year worth of cheap entertainment, background conversations that I haven’t gotten to enjoy since my teen years of living in a Christian house hold.

El Correcto

god is dead
Y’all remind me of my grandfather, he brought me chick-fil-a when that drama started years ago.

I watched that old man crumble on his death bed, fearing meeting god for some reason. It was bizarre, he was always a devout Christian, I didn’t expect him to be a coward as well.

I’m sure y’all will go the same way, clinging to life and fearing the inevitable.