Just to add a little.
I worked side by side with this guy for decades who couldn't wait to retire. As we all know, we hope to do some day. But he was different! I think at least once a year when we were younger, then as he approached retirement age it was 2 to 3 times a year that he would tell the story of his mom living to 103 and Dad to 102 to anyone who would listen. Although amazing in itself, he claimed that his Dad was spry right up to 100 plus!! He says I am built just like my Dad! I can't wait to retire!!
He retires, gets to take his new trailer camping a couple times. Within 13 months of retiring at 62 he died.
I guess we all throw the predeceased genetic pool into our factoring when we retire!
Question is? How accurate will it be for our retirement plan?