Buffet Master
I like going tit for tat with you on some things but in general when it comes to the driving stuff I pretty much agree with most of what you say. The above post I don't really have anything contrary to say I think our main differences are view of the company itself. I don't know anything but feeder. But more so, this company is a different thing to you guys with the type of years of service that you have.Interesting.
Some of the most dangerous people on our yard are "Professional" contractors.
Now, as far as UPS feeder people and all the rest....pkg, carwash etc....keep in mind they are being trained by folks who have never done the job....literally. Clerks to ORS.
As far as off the street hires.....their world has very little to do with UPS or how we operate(see above^). Given that, off the street hires bring their same mentality to UPS's operations. This can be good or bad. Some of our highest Circle of Honor folks are some of the most dangerous people on Earth. Above it all mentality and really dangerous driving habits. This is why multi decade folks die behind the wheel way too often......60 year experience sleeper teams for example.
I encourage ANYONE to spend 10 minutes on the yard watching also.....said it many times. Do it in the Hub too. Just 10 minutes.
We had 2 shifters collide the other night.....it was his 4th accident/incident....pulling trailers off doors with people inside etc.
He(was) a union steward and real hothead loud mouth.
That said.....tons of off the street "experience" might or might not mean anything.....years of bad habits and bad attitudes or a fresh look of professionalism. With all respect.
For me, ups didn't pay my mortgage, buy my vehicles, put the kids through school, fund my retirement. And honestly I don't know if I will stay here. I was fortunate to marry a good woman and she deserves better than me being night shift until retirement. She's been through my being gone on the road and crappy hours since I came off 9 years ago.. I'm 50, time isn't on my side for seniority here. Ultimately, for me at least, it's a job like most others. There's good and bad.