Living wage for part timers


Inordinately Right
Because you need to have another job to go along with your part time job. You are not entitled to work just part time and bitch that you don't have enough money. Think about trying to pass that one off on your grandparents. They probably would have slapped you to try and wake you up.
The living wage is based on full time hours.
Full time employees typically make more per hour. Part-timers (in most areas) make less than a living wage, even if they got 40+hours a week. Truth is you need to have 3 part time jobs nowadays. The shift to a part time work force is costing this country trillions in entitlements.

That being said, if he would factor in the cost of healthcare, he'd probably realize he is compensated pretty well. If I didn't need the healthcare and had no intention of driving there's no way I would work at UPS.


Active Member
You have no clue !
Go to the back of any Walmart. Go watch them unload trailers almost constantly, night & day !
On rollers - no belt !
Heavy boxes, filled with clothing or even heavy food items, such as canned goods, jars, cheese & meats.
Go do it and have fun !
Everytime, I have been back there, everyone is sweating, including managers at times.
Mc D's : You are constantly busy - you can't leave your station for a quick pee. You can't leave your station period until someone replaces you.
Don't complain too much, you may be working at 1 of the above in your future.

lol sounds like my ****y hub! we have rollers in the dock house and our belt breaks atleast once a week
Wrong about the benefits also... Do some USA history on how and why companies started giving benefits...

So my current BA, President, and IBT would be riding the same coat tails of Union Workers...

Also if you believe this, then why are you and others AND the IBT letting them go away?

I chose to work for UPS with those as part of my pay, no :censored2: way would I start working there today, with the current low wages and suggested cut in HC benefits
You should go back to school and finish your education. I think you would be a lot happier in life in a different venue.


Well-Known Member
UPS is not hard work. We are not even held to a real standard. I've worked two other union jobs that REQUIRED its employees to be at a certain package per hour, that's why they paid double what UPS pays me.

I've always wonder why fast food and Walmart type stores don't allow there employees to accept tips, they work just as hard as everyone else but don't make crap. My sister works at Olive Garden and makes 12/hr part time and tips, I think it's a lot more fair that what these other companies give to their employees.


Well-Known Member
You should go back to school and finish your education. I think you would be a lot happier in life in a different venue.

I Hope you were a VOTE No Person, if not, then all you have to say is worthless.

I feel sound in what I have read about unions, benefits and pay. Remember both sides will tell you they got it for you.

Back to the Vote No part, No matter HOW we got those Benefits that I WORK FOR AS PART OF MY PAY.

I think anyone who voted Yes, shouldn't get the upgrades, HAHA No, but kinda....

Guess what it is STILL a solid NO for me. I believe the current FT people while the Benefits were increased to entice a vote yes, they still are not equal to the 140K people being put into the CS plan.



Well-Known Member
USPS is not hard work. We are not even held to a real standard. I've worked two other union jobs that REQUIRED its employees to be at a certain package per hour, that's why they paid double what UPS pays me.

I've always wonder why fast food and Walmart type stores don't allow there employees to accept tips, they work just as hard as everyone else but don't make crap. My sister works at Olive Garden and makes 12/hr part time and tips, I think it's a lot more fair that what these other companies give to their employees.

You left an S out of your Post, I fixed it for you!


I have a MAR Minimal Acceptable Rate, as well as a PPH Packages Per hour I have to hit.. Well Kinda, but they do have these limits @ UPS..
So I am guessing you meant USPS. Or are you one of the a holes who puts your work off onto others?


Well-Known Member
Whatever he did, he must have sucked at it to be removed(?) from 2 different higher-paying jobs, and have to slum it at UPS.


Well-Known Member
UPS is not hard work. We are not even held to a real standard. I've worked two other union jobs that REQUIRED its employees to be at a certain package per hour, that's why they paid double what UPS pays me.

I've always wonder why fast food and Walmart type stores don't allow there employees to accept tips, they work just as hard as everyone else but don't make crap. My sister works at Olive Garden and makes 12/hr part time and tips, I think it's a lot more fair that what these other companies give to their employees.

BS waiters making tips don't get paid $12 by there employers.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with raising the minimum wage. This just gives people like me more justification to why we also need yearly pay increase.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with raising the minimum wage. This just gives people like me more justification to why we also need yearly pay increase.

I think the increasing minimum wage makes it harder for HS and college students to find jobs. We need to make sure there is still room left for first-time entry level jobs and temporary summer jobs for our college kids

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
One way for a part-timer to get a living wage would be to supplement their current part-time job with another part-time job. Or find one full-time job. Or be crazy like I was and work a full-time job AND a part-time job. Part-time jobs alone were never really meant to be careers but many at UPS, and other companies I'm sure, have done it though. Most of the ones in my building were hired decades ago prior to the starting wage being reduced to $8.50 and are making pretty good bank now. That helps. Nowadays most people wouldn't be able to swing living on a part-time UPS income unless their spouse has a sweet gig or maybe they are already retired from another job.


Inordinately Right
One way for a part-timer to get a living wage would be to supplement their current part-time job with another part-time job. Or find one full-time job. Or be crazy like I was and work a full-time job AND a part-time job. Part-time jobs alone were never really meant to be careers but many at UPS, and other companies I'm sure, have done it though. Most of the ones in my building were hired decades ago prior to the starting wage being reduced to $8.50 and are making pretty good bank now. That helps. Nowadays most people wouldn't be able to swing living on a part-time UPS income unless their spouse has a sweet gig or maybe they are already retired from another job.
People keep repeating this get another job mantra, you're not understanding what a living wage is....
The living wage is how much per hour you need to make working 40 hours a week to pay for basic necessities. If UPS let part timers get 40 hours a week, they still wouldn't be making a living wage, for the first 4-5 years on the job anyways.

A lot of the people not making a living wage get government assistance. Big companies make more profit, and taxpayers subsidize it.


Livin the cardboard dream
I'm curious as to why the OP makes things so black/white, us vs. them. Yes, both sides got us our benefits. UPS sells shipping, hires us to do it, the union collectively bargains on our behalf for our pay and benefits. While I believe that the money UPS makes is totally slanted in the direction of the executives and shareholders, I refuse to blame anyone but the sheeple of the US to allow this to happen. It's not so far fetched to imagine the people taking back the morals of corporations, but not enough people care or are even educated/street smart enough to know it's happening until it's too late and they're stuck with obligations that require them to work for the man. I have no qualms with the way the union negotiated our contract. Could it have been better? Yes, but guess who didn't vote? The sheeple that work here...mostly the part timers. The union negotiated the contract for the people who gave a **** about voting and educating themselves on the issues and they won. It's how democracy works. It only works well when the people give a **** about what's happening. Out of the...what 180,000 employees who could have voted on this contract only...15 or 20 percent of them voted and we're suppose to be mad at the union?

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
I get it drive-in. I find it disturbing that in order to "make it" nowadays, someone would have to work THREE jobs to make a decent living? That's deplorable!

Any job and no job can be a "career", although I think the word, or phrase rather meant here is "means to earn a living", i.e. earn a living wage; that depends on the job-holder. However, there was a time "part-time" meant part-time, in that they, more or less, made half of what a full-time worker made. Some people, if they simplified their life, could and did live off such a living, without government assistance. Their careers were not their jobs though, rather their passions were somewhere else.

A "career" is not synonymous with "means of earning a living"; one is a job, the other more of a secular life path.

Today PT work no longer really keeps step with full-time wages, leading to someone who may have TWO part-time gigs still needing a THIRD PT gig to make it. That'd be 12 hours a day, not including travel time, to say nothing of a break. That's criminal, especially since it wasn't always that way, and but for greed doesn't need to be that way. People who work that much should want to; sleeve is trying to retire by the time he is 40, or want to get out of debt; he can get a FT and PT gig. But no one should have to do so, and that's got nothing to do with a sense of "entitlement".

I remember an article by a young woman talking about the need to raise the wages of people working in fashion retail stores. At first I rolled my eyes, wondering how she was going to justify raising the prices of items so they could have a more decent wage. However, one thing she pointed out was companies often spend millions just to buy back stock, the benefits of which are inconclusive at best. However, pour that money back into the employees' pockets and they will spend and uplift the economy, and those stores could be more profitable. All just by not buying back stock.

How much of the healthcare cost is spent buying back UPS stock, which really won't do much for the stock price?


Livin the cardboard dream
Working part time in the past can't even compare with working part time now. Let's be least half of us has a car note, a cell bill, and internet to pay, all of which (other than the car note...but many more people took public transportation back in the day) didn't exist then. I believe that what people see as the standard of living is skewed. Do you need a cell, internet, or even a car to make it in this day and age to survive without assistance? Those average costs are at least $200 a month and for most people (who want/need a more reliable ride) closer to $500 or $600 a month. Hell a new car is at least $200 by itself if you get a Fiat 500. That's not including gas or insurance. one wants to live a scorched earth lifestyle, I understand. But what's the honest message here? What's more important? The dignity and self respect that comes with doing what you have to to make it alone and to find and strive for better or accepting government assistance while still having the extras? Being poor is suppose to be hard. It's suppose to suck. It's suppose to make you want to better yourself. But now it's easy to be poor and it's infected our society in a big bad way. My parents were...hell they are poor. Never once a day in their lives have they ever taken government assistance and they have a dignity and self respect that the other members of my family don't have. I have an aunt and a cousin who've lived off of assistance for the better part of their lives and the only thing it's bred for them is entitlement. All I've read on here is UPS sucks, they can afford to pay better. Yes it's true, but what the **** are you spouting it here for? Get your arse out there and make it happen somehow or find a better job or get a better education. Wishing UPS would pay better is non productive and it burns calories you don't need to burn. Doing something about your situation is a much better way to burn your calories and you'll feel a billion times better about yourself while your doing it. End rant.


Inordinately Right
\Get your arse out there and make it happen somehow or find a better job or get a better education.
The point is there aren't really many better jobs. I can understand a local grocery paying below the living wage. But think about it.... Mcdonald's, Walmart, UPS..... these are fortune 500 companies making billions in profit, yet not a lot of quality workers want to work there. People should be envious of workers at America's most profitable companies, they could pay a lot more but they don't.


Well-Known Member
I was a part timer 24 years ago. Had another full time job when I wasn't in college and until I could get enough seniority to air drive. It was crazy, but I was young and had more energy. When I realized my friends with degrees weren't making as much as I was doing preload/air driving I stuck it out and went full time. Now I have it made in feeders working 40 hours. Stick it out.