I get it drive-in. I find it disturbing that in order to "make it" nowadays, someone would have to work THREE jobs to make a decent living? That's deplorable!
Any job and no job can be a "career", although I think the word, or phrase rather meant here is "means to earn a living", i.e. earn a living wage; that depends on the job-holder. However, there was a time "part-time" meant part-time, in that they, more or less, made half of what a full-time worker made. Some people, if they simplified their life, could and did live off such a living, without government assistance. Their careers were not their jobs though, rather their passions were somewhere else.
A "career" is not synonymous with "means of earning a living"; one is a job, the other more of a secular life path.
Today PT work no longer really keeps step with full-time wages, leading to someone who may have TWO part-time gigs still needing a THIRD PT gig to make it. That'd be 12 hours a day, not including travel time, to say nothing of a break. That's criminal, especially since it wasn't always that way, and but for greed doesn't need to be that way. People who work that much should want to; sleeve is trying to retire by the time he is 40, or want to get out of debt; he can get a FT and PT gig. But no one should have to do so, and that's got nothing to do with a sense of "entitlement".
I remember an article by a young woman talking about the need to raise the wages of people working in fashion retail stores. At first I rolled my eyes, wondering how she was going to justify raising the prices of items so they could have a more decent wage. However, one thing she pointed out was companies often spend millions just to buy back stock, the benefits of which are inconclusive at best. However, pour that money back into the employees' pockets and they will spend and uplift the economy, and those stores could be more profitable. All just by not buying back stock.
How much of the healthcare cost is spent buying back UPS stock, which really won't do much for the stock price?