Living wage for part timers

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
From many comments I can recall hearing him say, he is quite bigoted. That's not name calling, it's a casual observation. How you take that is your own choice. Feel free to be "liberal" as you might say and get your panties in a knot ;)

Give me an example that proves that he is a bigot. And explain how whether or not he is a bigot negates the accuracy of his baby steps program and stance on paying in cash instead of racking up more debt.

I have a feeling I won't get a solid answer on either from you.

"the discussion going my way"

I don't care which way any conversation goes about how bad the working person in America gets screwed, as thoughts solutions and otherwise are opinion and no one here is going to change a thing with them, anyway.

Wrong! The solutions and opinions have indeed changed the lives of countless Americans, including mine, and are much more reliable than refusing to acknowledge them simply because of one's touchy feely sensitivity being rocked by the very radio personality that is trying to dispense them.


Give me an example that proves that he is a bigot. And explain how whether or not he is a bigot negates the accuracy of his baby steps program and stance on paying in cash instead of racking up more debt.

I have a feeling I won't get a solid answer on either from you.

Wrong! The solutions and opinions have indeed changed the lives of countless Americans, including mine, and are much more reliable than refusing to acknowledge them simply because of one's touchy feely sensitivity being rocked by the very radio personality that is trying to dispense them.
You know exactly what I'm talking about, free flowing back-and-forth between us on a message board is not going to have any impact on any big-picture topic such as minimum wages and the working class. Now you're taking me out of context to make points?

As far as the radio shows and his occasional sneer remarks aimed at certain groups, I'd have to go back and listen to each show individually and that's not worth the effort. However, occasionally I'll be listening and will try to make a point to address future ones.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You know exactly what I'm talking about, free flowing back-and-forth between us on a message board is not going to have any impact on any big-picture topic such as minimum wages and the working class. Now you're taking me out of context to make points?

As far as the radio shows and his occasional sneer remarks aimed at certain groups, I'd have to go back and listen to each show individually and that's not worth the effort. However, occasionally I'll be listening and will try to make a point to address future ones.

​Still waiting on your proof..........



blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
It is indeed a failure that instead of seeking to correct the factors that unfairly deprive the lesser among us of life's basics, we look to paint them all with a broad brush, attributing their plight to their own lack of effort when clearly, in the majority of cases, the deck is stacked against them.
You can't expect somebody to work hard, bootstraps, etc and magically be able to will themselves to middle class status through their sheer elbow grease. When one has not been brought up around people who are successful, they lack a blueprint on how to do it themselves.
Combine that with the fact that a large majority of good paying menial labor jobs have vanished over the last thirty years (you UPS drivers are one of the last holdouts in that category), and you have a generation lost. There are the haves, those with the smarts and the guidance from friends and family to get a decent white collar job (which are getting harder to come by) and the have nots, who are still poor despite cobbling together multiple part time jobs at UPS, restaurants, retail, etc etc etc.
This is accelerating as well. A bigger and bigger proportion of jobs in all areas are becoming PT. Another deplorable practice that is rising is the use of "temporary" employees. Many of these Temporary workers are de facto permanent employees who often work months or years at an assignment, but they get out of paying benefits.
We are becoming a Part Time america, and it only works for the executives. It is sinful how many of you are okay with that.


​Still waiting on your proof..........


I'm not going to misquote him except for "rap groups" but, his comment was to the effect of- ' the people of the Occupy Movement's only opportunity or vehicle for success in life would be through "rap groups". That was a few weeks ago. Sure it's funny to "rich" white guys in the burbs, though...but not to master musicians who are no longer unionized like in the 50's (like my grandfather) and are hungry if not starving now.


Livin the cardboard dream
Rrrrrriiiiiiigggghhhhhht. I'm sure Ramsey has said terribly bigoted things on the radio...Those people never get in trouble for saying bad things...oh wait...Limbaugh was fired from MNF...Juan Williams got fired from NPR....Paula Deen from Food Network...Rick Sanchez from CNN...and there's more. Point being, if Ramsey said bigoted things, he'd be canned already.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
I don't particularly like going here, but it is unfortunately applicable.
I grow weary of seeing the house slaves shake their finger at the field slaves.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
Limbaugh was never fired for saying bigoted things on his own show... the important thing is MNF is intended for a mass audience. Very big distinction.


Livin the cardboard dream
Ramsey may have his own show, but he's syndicated on multiple AM radio stations which is where the money is in radio. Trust me, he would be dropped like a bad habit real quick.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I'm not going to misquote him except for "rap groups" but, his comment was to the effect of- ' the people of the Occupy Movement's only opportunity or vehicle for success in life would be through "rap groups". That was a few weeks ago. Sure it's funny to "rich" white guys in the burbs, though...but not to master musicians who are no longer unionized like in the 50's (like my grandfather) and are hungry if not starving now.

If "occupy" losers would have spent the same time and effort into finding jobs (which an embarrassingly high percentage of them didn't have), education, and training, and not to mention improving their grooming standards, as well as refrained from robbing, raping, and assaulting each other in their little camps, they probably wouldn't be in their current situation and people like Dave Ramsey wouldn't be rightfully making fun of them.

No bigotry there. Just simple observations.



Well-Known Member
Right, I didn't say I agree with the fast food people or walmart people, infact I am against them getting paid that much.

It is a kick in the face to me, from these people doing almost no physical labor to want so much when UPS will break you down for $8.50-$10

Then you are over paid my friend.


Well-Known Member
I do live off of this job PT. Granted I get like 25-30 hours a week because of some opportunities I took advantage of and take advantage of double opportunties to have a few days a week of making $16.50+ an hour, and I live with roommates to cut down rent costs. I also have a relatively low cost of living.

I'm a little sad I didn't hop on the ups bandwagon back in 2004 when I was looking for a new job, but the job still pays decently enough for what I do. And I'll have package car driving opportunities in a year or two (or possibly sooner if I get lucky), and then I'll be making too much money.

The raises this job makes are steller, and it's great they're finally raising the starting wage. I wish it was something the union had been fighting for every contract period, but I assume that people never fought for it cause the only people that can vote are people who are already working for ups and it wouldn't really benefit.


If "occupy" losers would have spent the same time and effort into finding jobs (which an embarrassingly high percentage of them didn't have), education, and training, and not to mention improving their grooming standards, as well as refrained from robbing, raping, and assaulting each other in their little camps, they probably wouldn't be in their current situation and people like Dave Ramsey wouldn't be rightfully making fun of them.

No bigotry there. Just simple observations.


If right-wing bozos would spend the same amount of effort into improving this country instead of selling it, part and parcel, to Wall Street and hating immigrants (which a ridiculously high percentage do*) then this country would be a much better place.

* See, I can make up fake stats, too! For the record, I participated/still participate in parts of the Occupy movement and your assessment is completely wrong across the board.


Legio patria nostra
The Occupy Losers really made an impact! (and I'm not talking about the filth they lived in and left behind). Any idiot that participated in the Occupy movement probably also participated in a non-union picket that got the employees canned. Morons!


The Occupy Losers really made an impact! (and I'm not talking about the filth they lived in and left behind). Any idiot that participated in the Occupy movement probably also participated in a non-union picket that got the employees canned. Morons!

I'm glad you realize that they (Occupy Wall St.) actually did have an impact when they brought the vast wealth inequality of this country to the forefront of the national dialogue. The Occupy Movement was not/is not perfect, but at least they managed to make some gains without bashing immigrants/gays/whatever minority group has been selected for public finger pointing for purposes of distraction.

Now that I got that out of the way, here's what I was originally going to reply with:
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Legio patria nostra
I'm glad you realize that they (Occupy Wall St.) actually did have an impact when they brought the vast wealth inequality of this country to the forefront of the national dialogue. The Occupy Movement was not/is not perfect, but at least they managed to make some gains without bashing immigrants/gays/whatever minority group has been selected for public finger pointing for purposes of distraction.

Ha ha ha. You need to learn the meaning of the phrases you throw out. What impact? Tents, garbage, urine, feces and empty vodka bottles littering sites in the city? The only impact they made was the local police OT to watch the vagrants piss on each other and make some arrests...What gains did they make? I think they have been completely forgotten about. Keep working on your dream; you were probably an important figure in the tent community.


I'm glad you realize that they (Occupy Wall St.) actually did have an impact when they brought the vast wealth inequality of this country to the forefront of the national dialogue. The Occupy Movement was not/is not perfect, but at least they managed to make some gains without bashing immigrants/gays/whatever minority group has been selected for public finger pointing for purposes of distraction.

Ha ha ha. You need to learn the meaning of the phrases you throw out. What impact? Tents, garbage, urine, feces and empty vodka bottles littering sites in the city? The only impact they made was the local police OT to watch the vagrants piss on each other and make some arrests...What gains did they make? I think they have been completely forgotten about. Keep working on your dream; you were probably an important figure in the tent community.

Don't worry, I will. But more importantly, I want you to keep working on your dream; I know how much of an important figure you are under your Division Manager. Maybe (just maybe) if you're really good at what you do, he'll let you pull yourself up by his bootstraps.


Don't worry, I will. But more importantly, I want you to keep working on your dream; I know how much of an important figure you are under your Division Manager. Maybe (just maybe) if you're really good at what you do, he'll let you pull yourself up by his bootstraps.
I hope they raise the mgmt retirement age to 80 after reading his/her posts. ;)