Local 243

Slinging Packages

Active Member
Same thing in 243. The stewards are constantly running into resistance from the local. The Labor Managers and the BAs have been buddies for decades.

They throw grievants cases out at the drop of a hat. Company point of order Upheld.

Then the local allows UPS to run rough shot over the members. Clear cut violations of the CBA are ignored. Members are told by the Union to drop it. Stewards are being told by the union to shut up when the stewards point out specific violations at panel hearings.

It is a disgrace. Could you imagine being a fly on the wall in the meetings of these colluding labor managers and BA's?

And as was mentioned in the earlier post. The union members on the panels are a big part of the problem. Many of these panel level grievance hearing outcomes are predetermined. The Local sometimes puts on a good show to avoid a DFR suit. But they already know the outcome. The panel is basically immune from be held to any sense of accountability.

I may change my bc name to SickofIt Jr.

How many more lies are you going to tell?
I have been a steward for 20 yrs out of the 31 yrs I have been a teamster and you sir really don't know what you are talking about!!
Everything you have stated here is FALSE and I have been to my fair share of state panels and I have never been told to shut up or ever heard my BA to tell a member to drop grievance but instead told to file grievances.

Slinging Packages

Active Member
243 has a stewards meeting Sunday to discuss the NLRB ULP charge, changes is any in the supplement/rider and the re-viote. Then Tuesday the Individual Stewards will meet with the drivers in the AM at the centers. The part time stewards will update the part timers as well.

The meeting with the drivers is Tuesday because of the already low driver staffing on Mondays. 30% of the drivers wouldn't be there to hear it. Routes cut and Monday lay offs will only increase with the implementation of the 22.4s.

I will update later in the week.

The stewards only meeting is NOT AN UPDATE but for us stewards to collect fliers printed by the local and coordinate our efforts to get the word out for the members to VOTE.

browned out

Well-Known Member
How many more lies are you going to tell?
I have been a steward for 20 yrs out of the 31 yrs I have been a teamster and you sir really don't know what you are talking about!!
Everything you have stated here is FALSE and I have been to my fair share of state panels and I have never been told to shut up or ever heard my BA to tell a member to drop grievance but instead told to file grievances.



Maybe you work in a different "loco" 243 because that's crazy talk. Local 243 is disgraceful. Why would they agree to a rider where the # of permanent RPCDs is not decided or disclosed to the members until after ratification???????????? WTF? How are members supposed to make a knowledgeable vote without that essential #?

Why would 243 not have concrete language (ONE WAY OR THE OTHER) regarding RPCDs rights to 40 hour weeks; rights to bump 22.4's on Sat and/or Sun, Right to 4- 10 hour days if laid of on Monday, etc, etc.?

243's only answer has been "WE DONT KNOW" WTF are you talking about 243? These changes in terms of employment, pay and working conditions affects the majority of the UPS Teamster Members. It put's all RPCDs Mondays and Tuesday in jeopardy. Incompetent. If these arse clowns would have fulfilled their duty of fair representation during contract negotiations; these issues would have been addressed before the 1st vote.

Oh...wait...stop the presses; here is what they championed:

SUMMARY OF THE Teamsters Local 243 and Metro Detroit Tentative Agreement
• Increases in steward’s ability to sign up new members.
• Language to ensure members transfer in a timely manner from one (1) building to another building.
• Improvements in language for Coverage Drivers.
• Additional buildings for Part-Time Airport and International Building members to bid full-time driving jobs.
• Protection for the Howell Building Mechanics.

Obviously; not all locals' officials are corrupt. Some are upstanding Teamsters fighting for the members.

Many locals are not working in the best interests of the members.

The only lies or deception going on here in 243 is from the BA's and EB.

Others who have posted in this thread have dealt with the exact type of collusion, complacence or retaliatory action by their local BA's. It is commonplace.

I have been in grievance hearings in 243 at the local level and panel level where BA's have told stewards to shut up; that's enough, etc. And not to shut up because the stewards were hurting the members case.....the stewards were being told to shut up because they were helping the members case " on the record".

The avalanche is coming down the mountain.

They are; and have been absolutely incompetent, retaliatory and/or colluding in cahoots with UPS in 243 for decades.

243 will be held accountable because there is a paper trail and members have memorialized other meetings in the centers and at the hall. Jeez
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browned out

Well-Known Member
That's a lot of speculation.... or a distorted sense of perception. ….Or worse...Reality.

A Stewards "only" meeting for an update ? That sounds odd. This will be at least the 2nd stewards only meeting in the last 3 months re: the 243 rider.

Where is the accountability.... that every member had the opportunity to hear

the Steward explain the situation ? And, is the Steward reading a printed copy

of the Local Union's information or a recollection of the meeting they attended ?

That's bizarre.

Schedule a membership craft meeting....

Post a notice on the Union board at every location....

People that want to be there, will be. I will address that issue with my co-workers. thanks


browned out

Well-Known Member
I understand the following is master CBA language but other competent locals have clarified and improved this vague, foolish, easily exploitable language.

All existing regular full-time package car drivers (RPCD) shall be considered RPCD drivers for the purpose of this Section. The Union and Company commit to protect existing RPCDs from being scheduled or forced to perform weekend delivery work and increasing the number of full-time opportunities for part-time employees.

How about committing to affording all RPCDs the same guarantee of 40 hours a week created for the new 22.4 position? Creating opportunities for part timers to go full time at the expense of many low seniority Full Timers being forced to part time hours is preposterous.
(Most if not all low seniority drivers were more than happy to work Saturdays if that is what is took to reach their 40 hours and/or full pension credit)

To achieve these objectives, the Company may create full-time 22.4 combination driving jobs. Such jobs may include inside work. In the event the Company utilizes this classification, the following shall apply only to those buildings that include Saturday or Sunday delivery. 1. The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs.

WTF DOES THAT MEAN? HOW IS THAT # DETERMINED? and more importantly why couldn't and why wasn't that imperative, essential # of permanent RPCDs positions disclosed to package car drivers before ratification? No one here in 243 including the BA's knew exactly what criteria would be used to determine that #. Was it drivers that were on the seniority list that could work a M-friend schedule if work was available....(that is what we were led to believe may be it)………..Or was the number determined by the ACTUAL # OF PACKAGE CAR DRIVERS THAT ACTUALLY WORKED M-friend THAT WORKED THE WEEK OF AUGUST 1; OR AN AVERAGE OF DRIVERS WHO WORKED M-friend FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR? CLARIFICATION. THE UNION IS ALLOWED A WIDE DEFERENCE BUT THIS IS BEYOND THE RANGE OF REASONABLENESS.

This only goes downhill from here for 243.
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Frankie's Friend

I understand the following is master CBA language but other competent locals have clarified and improved this vague, foolish, easily exploitable language.

All existing regular full-time package car drivers (RPCD) shall be considered RPCD drivers for the purpose of this Section. The Union and Company commit to protect existing RPCDs from being scheduled or forced to perform weekend delivery work and increasing the number of full-time opportunities for part-time employees.

How about committing to affording all RPCDs the same guarantee of 40 hours a week created for the new 22.4 position? Creating opportunities for part timers to go full time at the expense of many low seniority Full Timers being forced to part time hours is preposterous.
(Most if not all low seniority drivers were more than happy to work Saturdays if that is what is took to reach their 40 hours and/or full pension credit)

To achieve these objectives, the Company may create full-time 22.4 combination driving jobs. Such jobs may include inside work. In the event the Company utilizes this classification, the following shall apply only to those buildings that include Saturday or Sunday delivery. 1. The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs.

WTF DOES THAT MEAN? HOW IS THAT # DETERMINED? and more importantly why couldn't and why wasn't that imperative, essential # of permanent RPCDs positions disclosed to package car drivers before ratification? No one here in 243 including the BA's knew exactly what criteria would be used to determine that #. Was it drivers that were on the seniority list that could work a M-friend schedule if work was available....(that is what we were led to believe may be it)………..Or was the number determined by the ACTUAL # OF PACKAGE CAR DRIVERS THAT ACTUALLY WORKED M-friend THAT WORKED THE WEEK OF AUGUST 1; OR AN AVERAGE OF DRIVERS WHO WORKED M-friend FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR? CLARIFICATION. THE UNION IS ALLOWED A WIDE DEFERENCE BUT THIS IS BEYOND THE RANGE OF REASONABLENESS.

This only goes downhill from here for 243.
Looks to me that it means what it says...

The total number of pkg car drivers who have bid m-friend jobs =s the total number of "existing regular full time pkg car drivers".

Just my opinion.
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Got the T-Shirt
Looks to me that it means what it says...

The total number of pkg car drivers who have bid m-friend jobs =s the total number of "existing regular full time pkg car drivers".

Just my opinion.

When people start typing in caps, or bold all their statements....

It's the equivalent of yelling on the internet.

browned out

Well-Known Member
Looks to me that it means what it says...

The total number of pkg car drivers who have bid m-friend jobs =s the total number of "existing regular full time pkg car drivers".

Just my opinion.

Local 243s explanation was that every driver on our seniority list would count and be the protected number.

We do not believe the language will be interpreted by the company as such.

We have about 60 package car drivers in our center. Only about 30 actually work or are scheduled to work M to friend.

It is a big difference. We just want to know what the actual # of protected positions there will be. There is no rhyme or reason # can not be arrived at and disclosed to the members before the vote.

Other supplements have clarified this vague language.

browned out

Well-Known Member
Why do it here ?

That's exactly how our meetings with our union officers have gone in the center.

Not really yelling, just a building frustration and sense of urgency regarding answering our questions. The meetings have been pretty heated. And not only with the 1 or 2 who always speak up; low seniority drivers, high seniority drivers, usually reserved drivers, even the runners want more definitive answers than We Don't Know.

These meetings started out cordially ended up beyond terse or curt.
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browned out

Well-Known Member
We asked over and over for 243 to attempt to secure language like that below. And if 243 could not; at least answer the members questions.

The JC37 supplement has the following language:

(D) Dispatch in a Package Center: 22.4 combination employees are dispatched with driving work after all bid and unassigned regular package car drivers (“RPCD”) have been dispatched and offered the work. Seniority and area knowledge will then prevail. (Same practice as RPCD).
(E) Extra Driving Work. 22.4 combination employees will not be offered extra driving work, including scheduled days off and holidays, until all RPCD’s have first been offered the work. 22.4 combination employees will be forced to perform extra work prior to forcing RPCD’s.

If a Full-time employee is required to take a day off from work to obtain an airport badge, they shall be compensated at their regular straight time hourly rate of pay for all time spent to obtain said badge up to their daily guarantee, as well as paid mileage for all miles in excess of their regular commute at the applicable IRS rate. This provision does not apply to lost or damaged badges due to no fault of the Employer. Employees on-the clock and working and are required to obtain a badge while doing so shall be paid for all time spent obtaining said badge.

The Southwest Package and Sort has the following language:

All extra work will first be offered to available Regular Package Car Driver’s RPCD’s, then second offered to 22.4 Combination Drivers, and last offered to cover drivers.

Local 177 language:

As the preamble states: “It is Specifically understood and agreed by both Parties that giving the Full-Time 22.4 Combination Drivers their own seniority list is not in anyway to violate or interfere with the Regular Package Car Drivers (RPCD’s) seniority which at all times and circumstances prevail.”

Local ?

I thought I read something similar to the below in a supplement. I can not find it. Does anyone know where/if language exists that states # of Protected RPCD positions?

Language also exists in a supplement that states the protected RPCD # shall include all drivers currently in progression.

I can not find it.

browned out

Well-Known Member
We asked over and over for 243 to attempt to secure language like that below. And if 243 could not; at least answer the members questions.

The JC37 supplement has the following language:

(D) Dispatch in a Package Center: 22.4 combination employees are dispatched with driving work after all bid and unassigned regular package car drivers (“RPCD”) have been dispatched and offered the work. Seniority and area knowledge will then prevail. (Same practice as RPCD).
(E) Extra Driving Work. 22.4 combination employees will not be offered extra driving work, including scheduled days off and holidays, until all RPCD’s have first been offered the work. 22.4 combination employees will be forced to perform extra work prior to forcing RPCD’s.

If a Full-time employee is required to take a day off from work to obtain an airport badge, they shall be compensated at their regular straight time hourly rate of pay for all time spent to obtain said badge up to their daily guarantee, as well as paid mileage for all miles in excess of their regular commute at the applicable IRS rate. This provision does not apply to lost or damaged badges due to no fault of the Employer. Employees on-the clock and working and are required to obtain a badge while doing so shall be paid for all time spent obtaining said badge.

The Southwest Package and Sort has the following language:

All extra work will first be offered to available Regular Package Car Driver’s RPCD’s, then second offered to 22.4 Combination Drivers, and last offered to cover drivers.

Local 177 language:

As the preamble states: “It is Specifically understood and agreed by both Parties that giving the Full-Time 22.4 Combination Drivers their own seniority list is not in anyway to violate or interfere with the Regular Package Car Drivers (RPCD’s) seniority which at all times and circumstances prevail.”

Local ?

I thought I read something similar to the below in a supplement. I can not find it. Does anyone know where/if language exists that states # of Protected RPCD positions?

Language also exists in a supplement that states the protected RPCD # shall include all drivers currently in progression.

I can not find it.

It is in NORCAL. That figures.


See...It is really easy to create language that is not open to interpretation.

Frankie's Friend

I like the proposed language that says...

"If any 22.4 drivers work a Full time management person will donate their wages to United Way for that day".


Got the T-Shirt
Does anyone know where/if language exists that states # of Protected RPCD positions?

It's National language.

"The number of RPCDs working a Monday through Friday schedule in each building, shall be verified and agreed to by each Local Union and the Company Labor Representative, as of August 1, 2018 and shall be protected jobs."

All extra work will first be offered to available Regular Package Car Driver’s RPCD’s, then second offered to 22.4 Combination Drivers, and last offered to cover drivers.

Also covered in the Master.

"In the event the Company needs additional staffing to cover Saturday or Sunday ground deliveries, such work shall first be offered to RPCDs as set forth above, then to Article 22.4 combination drivers on their scheduled off day, then to part-time utility/cover/casual employees as permitted in the Supplement, Rider or Addendum. If sufficient volunteers are not obtained, the Company may force in reverse order in accordance with the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum."

The JC37 supplement has the following language:

(E) Extra Driving Work. 22.4 combination employees will not be offered extra driving work, including scheduled days off and holidays, until all RPCD’s have first been offered the work. 22.4 combination employees will be forced to perform extra work prior to forcing RPCD’s.

Again.... covered in the Master.

Language also exists in a supplement that states the protected RPCD # shall include all drivers currently in progression.

More of the same, covered in the Master.

We asked over and over for 243 to attempt to secure language like that below.

As I have tried to point out earlier, you were asking Local 243 to address this

after the fact of the Master language being ratified.

Just the same, as the hold out Local's tried to do in 2013 with the whole

TeamCare issue. Why do you think the IBT has instructed your Local that

the Rider is going to be re-voted without it being addressed ?

I can tell you why.... it's a moot issue.

