Slinging Packages
Active Member
Same thing in 243. The stewards are constantly running into resistance from the local. The Labor Managers and the BAs have been buddies for decades.
They throw grievants cases out at the drop of a hat. Company point of order Upheld.
Then the local allows UPS to run rough shot over the members. Clear cut violations of the CBA are ignored. Members are told by the Union to drop it. Stewards are being told by the union to shut up when the stewards point out specific violations at panel hearings.
It is a disgrace. Could you imagine being a fly on the wall in the meetings of these colluding labor managers and BA's?
And as was mentioned in the earlier post. The union members on the panels are a big part of the problem. Many of these panel level grievance hearing outcomes are predetermined. The Local sometimes puts on a good show to avoid a DFR suit. But they already know the outcome. The panel is basically immune from be held to any sense of accountability.
I may change my bc name to SickofIt Jr.
How many more lies are you going to tell?
I have been a steward for 20 yrs out of the 31 yrs I have been a teamster and you sir really don't know what you are talking about!!
Everything you have stated here is FALSE and I have been to my fair share of state panels and I have never been told to shut up or ever heard my BA to tell a member to drop grievance but instead told to file grievances.