Got the T-Shirt
I guarantee you that this was not the case. 1) UPS KNEW that the number of voter met the threshold and they announced their defeat shortly after the election results came in and started preparing to go back to the table. 2) Shortly after this, the IBT discovered that, OOPS, we don't know how we missed this earlier, but uh oh..., not enough members voted. UPS quickly replied, "hey, ya know, maybe you're right". Mind you, everybody was clicking refresh on the web pages watching this crap unfold. Many people took screenshots and videos. I hope to God that one day somebody discover what conversations took place behind the scenes in the 30 minutes between events #1 and #2, and how the IBT came up with a DRASTICALLY different voter count in the 30 minutes between events #1 and #2. If you're such a gullible fool that you believe nothing shady went on to get this trash contract rammed up our doo-das, then you are one special kinda guy.
And cows farting.... is causing global climate change.
Got it.