local 251

The don't. But I'm going fight to have these folks hold the same standard that these communist hold our union. Isn't that fair? So what do you say Paff? Open up the process. Scared? I bet you are.
Ken P is a scab. He haven't been a member since 73. If he'd sign a waiver to sue I'd love to knock him out.


Well-Known Member
I want see tax returns available. I want to see a "democratic process" in place. Come on! 2015 can be the first TDU election. I'll put a slate together. Me, 407, ITG, BUG and a few others, we can take on Paff, Levin, Citkowski or whatever new Commies they have. I'll even throw in free butt slap to your office assistant "Pete", the guy that likes to swear at women and tells them to "Go friend@ck themselves". Great people you have down there.

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
East, will you write grievances with similar run-on sentences as well?
Thats a good one stink. From what i understand you never once handled a grievance in the right manner. Never had a grievance brought to a panel. Every time someone filed a grievance you took it, went in the office and joked with management about it. Most guy's at UPS were confused on what you were really doing because every time they seen you, you were joking and laughing with management. Thats a disgrace as a steward. At some point we really thought you wanted a management job there. Now that there's stewards elections you won't run, why? Our theory is you know you will loose and can't except that. You have no balls. You liked being appointed because you always wanted to be around the power, thought it was cool. Well guess what, you will never be anything in this union. Thats a fact. I heard metro has a great shop steward now who is standing up for members, something you never did, just hang with management. He has done more in 2 weeks than you have in your whole glorified steward job. You say steward job is a thankless job? well guess what, you are wrong. People are walking up to the new one everyday and saying thank you because he is actually doing the job. Like i said, no balls, if you had them, you would run and try to help the members. Im gonna run, might not win but will have no regrets.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thats a good one stink. From what i understand you never once handled a grievance in the right manner. Never had a grievance brought to a panel. Every time someone filed a grievance you took it, went in the office and joked with management about it. Most guy's at UPS were confused on what you were really doing because every time they seen you, you were joking and laughing with management. Thats a disgrace as a steward. At some point we really thought you wanted a management job there. Now that there's stewards elections you won't run, why? Our theory is you know you will loose and can't except that. You have no balls. You liked being appointed because you always wanted to be around the power, thought it was cool. Well guess what, you will never be anything in this union. Thats a fact. I heard metro has a great shop steward now who is standing up for members, something you never did, just hang with management. He has done more in 2 weeks than you have in your whole glorified steward job. You say steward job is a thankless job? well guess what, you are wrong. People are walking up to the new one everyday and saying thank you because he is actually doing the job. Like i said, no balls, if you had them, you would run and try to help the members. Im gonna run, might not win but will have no regrets.




You know me...
You guys are going in order? Did you say smoked? Do you know how close the election really was? Smoked by 112 votes? Answer me one question, do you know the rules of eligibility?

The ruling on eligibility was handed down from the head of legal (Garry W******) DIRECTLY to Jojo. The information of the eligibility rule was NEVER shared with the UA slate. Jojo had the 100% edge on it, and he tried to take advantage of it. Having inside knowledge of a game changing rule STILL wasn't enough to overcome the UA slate. That is the absolute, undisputed, truth that Jojo admitted himself in the JC 10 hearing.

Read the entire JC10 decision here https://www.tdu.org/sites/default/files/JC10-decision-251-election-1.pdf

Not calling you a liar, I just know that you were misinformed at the source.


Well-Known Member
Why do you sit there and lie. The steward doesn't bring grievances to arbitration. Our new BA told me a different story. Told me I'd win hands down. Here's balls for you. I'll be at the roach coach on Monday at 8:15. If you have an issue with me I'd love to hear it. Bring the new BA if you want. It's apparent to me you have zero knowledge in labor relations. Btw, I thought the new regime were doing away with cutting deals? Seems like in the last 2 weeks The only changes that I've seen made is that we now can be forced in on weekends. Awesome! Did you win your election btw?


Well-Known Member
251, what confuses me is that there is no deterrent for being behind in dues. Isn't it true that you can be pulled from work just from being behind? I have no problem with the rule of EVERYONE receiving a ballot, but where is the line on generating funds for the local? Are we teaching members that it's ok to not pay dues as long as they pay the last 6 months they can vote? I truly want opinions on this.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Stink 219 will be attending the Super Bowl party his center-manager is having next week. He reminds me of my ex business agent. The son of a gun would invite management to his house for BBQs.


Well-Known Member
Stink 219 will be attending the Super Bowl party his center-manager is having next week. He reminds me of my ex business agent. The son of a gun would invite management to his house for BBQs.

Why does everything between the union and company have to be hostile? You don't think it's possible for the BA and center manager to get together on a social basis and still be able to conduct business on Monday morning? You don't think Peyton Manning and Tom Brady could go out for a beer on Saturday night and not go after each other on Sunday? (Well, not this past Sunday----Brady didn't bother showing up)

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
The JC10 has ruled on the Local 251 election. And this eligibility issue you mention, the remedy to dues issues widely acknowledged in Local 251, is one commonly used by the IBT to ensure members on dues check off are properly enfranchised.
I'm pretty sure Local 251 members want to move on now. You can either run for shop steward in an election of your workplace to back up your case that you stand for a stronger union; or you can just whine without being taken seriously.
At least you have that choice.

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Well-Known Member
So Sux, let me ask you this. Your saying that it's best to have a negative relationship with a manger? Your saying that if a guy is on termination ally of losing his job, the best course of action is to give a big ol' friend@CK YOU to that manger? Your saying that manager will be more understanding to let him off the hook? Sux, are you or were you ever involved in labor relations? You know why it's called labor relations?


Well-Known Member
The JC10 has ruled on the Local 251 election. And this eligibility issue you mention, the remedy to dues issues widely acknowledged in Local 251, is one commonly used by the IBT to ensure members on dues check off are properly enfranchised.
I'm pretty sure Local 251 members want to move on now. You can either run for shop steward in an election of your workplace to back up your case that you stand for a stronger union; or you can just whine without being taken seriously.
At least you have that choice.

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I asked specific questions based on the local's income and you tell me to screw? Why are you avoiding these? I'm not arguing the JC10 decision. You don't need to be all hostile Mr. Power Struggle, I know you have the big boy pants on.


You know me...
251, what confuses me is that there is no deterrent for being behind in dues. Isn't it true that you can be pulled from work just from being behind? I have no problem with the rule of EVERYONE receiving a ballot, but where is the line on generating funds for the local? Are we teaching members that it's ok to not pay dues as long as they pay the last 6 months they can vote? I truly want opinions on this.

No. We are absolutely not teaching members to be behind. There was a serious issue with a dues freeze at that hospital from around 1997 (Don't quote me on the year...but 97 is close). 100% the employers fault, but the union never rectified the problem, or notified the members. This obviously spans numerous administrations, but it never came to a head until the 2013 election, when a vast majority of RIH workers were voting for the first time in many cases. GW from the international's solution was the 6 month rule that no one had heard about till the JC 10 meeting.

But you asked for opinions. Here's mine. Should people in arrears be allowed to vote? According to the International Constitution, and the past practice of over a million teamsters nationwide, Absolutely not.

But that was not the question. The question that drove GW's decision was:

Should dues paying members on checkoff that have never missed a payment but are in arrears due to a company's failure to pay the proper amount have their right to vote stripped from them?

In GW's opinion, no. Hence the 6 month rule. And from what I understand, neither the UA slate, nor the Membership slate objected to the 6 month rule, as is required in the Constitution. If either side had objected PRIOR to opening the 433 ballots in question, we may have very well had a re-election. But both sides decided to roll the dice. And if it had gone the way of the Membership Slate, I'll bet my life there would have been post election protests from the UA slate. They would have been filed on the exact same principal, and they would have been denied on the exact same principle.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
So Sux, let me ask you this. Your saying that it's best to have a negative relationship with a manger? Your saying that if a guy is on termination ally of losing his job, the best course of action is to give a big ol' friend@CK YOU to that manger? Your saying that manager will be more understanding to let him off the hook? Sux, are you or were you ever involved in labor relations? You know why it's called labor relations?

Yes that is exactly what I'm saying. I sure as hell wouldn't want a management kiss-:censored2: like you being my shop steward. I would get a petition going to remove you.

Enjoy your Bowl game with your manager and turn the eye when he fires one of your union brothers the following day.

Damn Hoffa supporting cowards!

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
I agree Hoffa sux, god no would i want a ass-kissing steward fighting for my job. Isn't this why we are organized labor? geshhh wtf. Now its time to hold the company accountable. Yes for too many years now they been kicking our ass because our local leaders allowed this. Stink do you really think management likes being friends with you? lol they laugh behind your back too because they know they get what they want. Pathetic. Tired of UPS bull:censored2:, lets fight. 99% of our members at UPS are extremely hard workers, everyone knows if you can do UPS you are a special person and if you think UPS can fire someone for those ridiculous infractions you do not belong in " labor relations" isn't that what you called it? Stink you sound like management way too much, so glad your out. Oh yea, btw stop trying to be tuff ( be by the roach coach Monday ) so childish. You are the biggest annonmous poster on here, we just knew it was you because even at UPS you talk ridiculous like this.

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
So pathetic, finally someone challenges you on what you say and thats your response, lol

Remember, just because you use big words doesn't make you smart, if you don't know what they mean it actually makes you look stupid

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
guy's like you ruined this barn, guy's like us are gonna fix it

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above, they are forced by pressures from below"
Funny you use that quote, doesn't it remind you off the guys who just won the election? I think deep down inside everyday you really wish you were one of them.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
The don't. But I'm going fight to have these folks hold the same standard that these communist hold our union. Isn't that fair? So what do you say Paff? Open up the process. Scared? I bet you are.


Just another ignorant truck driver throwing the word "communist" around like if he knew what it meant. It's obvious Stink that you don't know one bit about the foundations of labor unions. If you were educated you would know that the roots of "Labor Unions" are in fact a communist phenomena. I bet you didn't know that.

You should go ahead and do a research on that.

When the labor struggles of the 1880s and 1890s began in the United States it was thanks in part to European immigrants who introduced Americans to the communist idea (Labor Unions).

Since the 1840s the European working-class a.k.a. "proletariat" had been agitating against the European bourgeoisie (ruling-class). These workers had been exposed to the radical ideas of Karl Marx who was the first intellectual to address the issue of protecting workers. Enlightened by Marx's radical ideas, the working-class all over Europe, but more so the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Poland and Germany began to form the Socialist and Communist parties of those countries; with the aim of representing the working class.

As some of these workers migrated to America, they introduced Karl Marx's ideas to the American working-class. And it was in the late 1890s that the formation of the American Socialist Party came to the fore. The Socialist Party of America, disgruntled with the bureaucratic corruption of the the racist and sexist American Federation of Labor (AFL) broke away and formed the International Workers of the World (IWW).

The IWW organized all workers, regardless of race, sexual orientation or sex. The IWW had become so troublesome to the establishment with the thousands of strikes that were taking place. The Democrats and Republicans were forced to cut deals with the AFL in an effort crush them. By the end of WWI in 1918, the majority of their leaders, especially "Big" Bill Haywood and Emma Goldman had been extradited to the Soviet Union as no other countries would grant radicals like them political asylum. Eugene Debs who was the principal officer of the Socialist Party of America was in jail at the time. By 1920 the IWW and the Socialist Party of America had been destroyed. With this, the Communist Party of America emerged and they became the heirs of the working-class struggle in America.

In 1920 Labor Union were still illegal, not recognized by the employers or the government. From the 1920s onward the Communist Party of America led strike after strike. Many of their leaders were killed or disappeared for their actions. With the rise of strikes in America, in 1935 the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration enacted the Wagner Act. This Act established the National Labor Relations Board and finally made labor unions legal entities. FDR did not push to pass this piece of legislation because he cared about workers, he was pushed to pass it because of the violent strikes that were taking place nation-wide. And oh yes, the Wagner Act was a byproduct of the agitation and dedication of the Communist Party of America.

I bet you didn't know that Stink 219!
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