local 251


Well-Known Member
guy's like you ruined this barn, guy's like us are gonna fix it

"Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above, they are forced by pressures from below"
Funny you use that quote, doesn't it remind you off the guys who just won the election? I think deep down inside everyday you really wish you were one of them.
So you say I talk about drivers, yet you have the inside track that management talks behind my back? Seems like you have the relationship with management not me. You can address you grip with me on monday. I'm giving you the opportunity to be justified.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sux!! And if you held true to such a theory, you would be making the exact wage at UPS, as a janitor. Your communistic idea has been very successful over history. Good job with your Wikipedia skills. Proud of you.


Well-Known Member
No. We are absolutely not teaching members to be behind. There was a serious issue with a dues freeze at that hospital from around 1997 (Don't quote me on the year...but 97 is close). 100% the employers fault, but the union never rectified the problem, or notified the members. This obviously spans numerous administrations, but it never came to a head until the 2013 election, when a vast majority of RIH workers were voting for the first time in many cases. GW from the international's solution was the 6 month rule that no one had heard about till the JC 10 meeting.

But you asked for opinions. Here's mine. Should people in arrears be allowed to vote? According to the International Constitution, and the past practice of over a million teamsters nationwide, Absolutely not.
I want to thank you for actually answering honestly. Devoid of political belief structure. East Center should take lesson from you. I absolutely despise ****. You may want to correct his behavior.
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I started this.
Staff member

Just another ignorant truck driver throwing the word "communist" around like if he knew what it meant. It's obvious Stink that you don't know one bit about the foundations of labor unions. If you were educated you would know that the roots of "Labor Unions" are in fact a communist phenomena. I bet you didn't know that.

You should go ahead and do a research on that.

When the labor struggles of the 1880s and 1890s began in the United States it was thanks in part to European immigrants who introduced Americans to the communist idea (Labor Unions).

Since the 1840s the European working-class a.k.a. "proletariat" had been agitating against the European bourgeoisie (ruling-class). These workers had been exposed to the radical ideas of Karl Marx who was the first intellectual to address the issue of protecting workers. Enlightened by Marx's radical ideas, the working-class all over Europe, but more so the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Poland and Germany began to form the Socialist and Communist parties of those countries; with the aim of representing the working class.

As some of these workers migrated to America, they introduced Karl Marx's ideas to the American working-class. And it was in the late 1890s that the formation of the American Socialist Party came to the fore. The Socialist Party of America, disgruntled with the bureaucratic corruption of the the racist and sexist American Federation of Labor (AFL) broke away and formed the International Workers of the World (IWW).

The IWW organized all workers, regardless of race, sexual orientation or sex. The IWW had become so troublesome to the establishment with the thousands of strikes that were taking place. The Democrats and Republicans were forced to cut deals with the AFL in an effort crush them. By the end of WWI in 1918, the majority of their leaders, especially "Big" Bill Haywood and Emma Goldman had been extradited to the Soviet Union as no other countries would grant radicals like them political asylum. Eugene Debs who was the principal officer of the Socialist Party of America was in jail at the time. By 1920 the IWW and the Socialist Party of America had been destroyed. With this, the Communist Party of America emerged and they became the heirs of the working-class struggle in America.

In 1920 Labor Union were still illegal, not recognized by the employers or the government. From the 1920s onward the Communist Party of America led strike after strike. Many of their leaders were killed or disappeared for their actions. With the rise of strikes in America, in 1935 the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration enacted the Wagner Act. This Act established the National Labor Relations Board and finally made labor unions legal entities. FDR did not push to pass this piece of legislation because he cared about workers, he was pushed to pass it because of the violent strikes that were taking place nation-wide. And oh yes, the Wagner Act was a byproduct of the agitation and dedication of the Communist Party of America.

I bet you didn't know that Stink 219!

Please, no name calling.


You know me...
I want to thank you for actually answering honestly. Devoid of political belief structure. East Center should take lesson from you. I absolutely despise ****. You may want to correct his behavior.
well, the election is over so I really have no reason to be a d!ck, and I have never been one to "Spike the football". I'm sure Cheryl appreciates it more than you do...she hated my ass during the campaign ;-)

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
Real productive meeting today, The new slate nailed it. Wow they were right point, well spoken, professional, excited about things to come

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Well-Known Member
Can I make a motion for a shorter meeting? Only one of the BA's seemed prepared. The trustee read his one sentence off his cell phone for crying out loud. It was the first meeting so I'm not going to be hypercritical. But lots of question need clarification. East, when is your center election?

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
Stink, I thought they did great for a first meeting, come on. You think that's easy? What questions need clarification? I thought they were pretty clear on a lot of topics. I don't know when my center election is.should be soon. A lot of people there seemed very supportive

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You know me...
Can I make a motion for a shorter meeting? Only one of the BA's seemed prepared. The trustee read his one sentence off his cell phone for crying out loud. It was the first meeting so I'm not going to be hypercritical. But lots of question need clarification. East, when is your center election?
Curious, which BA are you referring to?

hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
Stink i been working at UPS for 15 years now and been active with the union meetings for the last few years. This was the first time that i been to a meeting where i walked out feeling i had knowledge, felt good. Yes it was a long meeting but you can kind expect that for the first one. Can you honestly say you didn't feel the energy in there? Come on we know you are on the top of the fence just leaning, do you need a nudge over. We know deep down inside you want too. That quote you have says it all, its a reminder of what we did in this local

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
The one way the meeting can be shorter is for you to leave earlier. No one kept you there against your will.
On the contrary, many members loved a long informative meeting.
When are you running for steward? Oh that's right.... Have you stood for election in anything, or are you all talk?

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You know me...
Can I make a motion for a shorter meeting? Only one of the BA's seemed prepared. The trustee read his one sentence off his cell phone for crying out loud. It was the first meeting so I'm not going to be hypercritical. But lots of question need clarification. East, when is your center election?
Speaking of the meeting, was Jojo's slamming of the retirees a planned event or a knee-jerk reaction to SBM? Good God man, WHY would he do that? Slamming an entire group of your elders will NEVER work for you...ever. Especially not when you say it in a room full of people...


Well-Known Member
Stink i been working at UPS for 15 years now and been active with the union meetings for the last few years. This was the first time that i been to a meeting where i walked out feeling i had knowledge, felt good. Yes it was a long meeting but you can kind expect that for the first one. Can you honestly say you didn't feel the energy in there? Come on we know you are on the top of the fence just leaning, do you need a nudge over. We know deep down inside you want too. That quote you have says it all, its a reminder of what we did in this local
Oh I felt some energy alright. Unfortunately, I'm not a bandwagoner such as yourself. But good job trying. What prevents people from accepting your ideas is you. Just you. Only you. If your involved, I'm not really interested. Your a "special" kind of person. Remember, 8:15am!!


Well-Known Member
The one way the meeting can be shorter is for you to leave earlier. No one kept you there against your will.
On the contrary, many members loved a long informative meeting.
When are you running for steward? Oh that's right.... Have you stood for election in anything, or are you all talk?

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I was thinking more along the lines of this to reduce the meeting for you.
Oh I felt some energy alright. Unfortunately, I'm not a bandwagoner such as yourself. But good job trying. What prevents people from accepting your ideas is you. Just you. Only you. If your involved, I'm not really interested. Your a "special" kind of person. Remember, 8:15am!!
doubt he shows.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Oh I felt some energy alright. Unfortunately, I'm not a bandwagoner such as yourself. But good job trying. What prevents people from accepting your ideas is you. Just you. Only you. If your involved, I'm not really interested. Your a "special" kind of person. Remember, 8:15am!!

Stink, but you were the biggest B bandwagoner and word has it you were seen at church praying for Sean O'brien this Sunday, because from the looks of it, he might not be eligible to run as hall number two on that "sell-out" Slate in 2016.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Stink, but you were the biggest B bandwagoner and word has it you were seen at church praying for Sean O'brien this Sunday, because from the looks of it, he might not be eligible to run as hall number two on that "sell-out" Slate in 2016.
I'm sure Hall will find another OG Thug (I mean loyal teamster) to run with him in '16.