This is IBTs second audit, they have no clue what they are looking for, 1+1=2 and thats what the audit shows. What it doesn't show is how the irishman took out a equity line of credit and has systemically used that to keep his cronies employed while the membership dropped from 11,000 to 8500. PK is on coarse to bankrupt the local, five years ago the local had a "net worth" of $2.8 million now the locals "net worth is under $800,000. The trustees rubber stamped everything he did and never questioned anything. Neither did the other E-Board members, DUI Dawn, OCTA Dawn or PTA POP. The Irishman never questioned why itemized receipts were never turned in, just the totaled ones were. Bumbling OB, The Rat, Fico 350 were experts at this type fraud. Bumbling OB felt like the local was there for him to pillage as he saw fit. Blow the engine on the locals vehicle from towing a boat that was to large. Having a $50 steak, a $10 side and a $100 bottle of wine because felt he was entitled to it for having to sleep in a hotel bed. The office clerical work 35 hours a week,get paid for 40, had a paid vacation in Las Vegas curtesy of PK, members footed the bill. Is there any wonder why the local is on the verge or bankruptcy?
Angel tickets, 81 home games plus 2 preseason, the season starts February end first week of October and the local is closed for 3 summer months, this is for one ticket. where did all those tickets go. Standard practice was for a BA or clerical to sign for the tickets then use them, nobody bothered to verify any of this. They did raffle some off at general membership meetings. this local is a disgrace and Hoffa is to blame he is more interested in collecting his per capita tax then how a local gets so horribly in debt. One more item the incoming E-Board took office 1/1, the president Bumbling OB retired 1/7 and received $160,000 severance check. Yes he had acrued time. How does the Irishman justify that? At 952 its the BAs first then the clerical then the members, shouldn't the members be first? Do they work for me or do I work for them?