You are one lazy

, you will fit in well at the local. Your going to sit back and wait for the results of the investigation, why not get off your fat arse and do some investigating on your own. Ask to see the E-Board minutes, ask to see the expense accounts, ask to see contracts of other trades and crafts, ask to see the log book of the Angel tickets. Ask why we need three law firms, are they doing just labor law or is the irishman having them do criminal or civil litigation. B is 952s version of K, from the last convention to his DUI. he spends more time in a jail cell bunk then he does in his own bed. This is what I know from reading these boards just imagine what I would learn if I went to the meetings.
Silent Bang you are wrong, its the members that allow this corruption to go on. Do you think the office girls don't know whats going on, who keeps the logs? Frank used to call the clerks ice box behind their backs because he was always putting his meat in one. Could it be they were in on it with Frankie and other BAs? The BAs, they are just as corrupt as the irishman, they saw and heard all the crooked

that was going on not one of them stuck up for the members and spoke out. Loyalty

, like they say you can't pick and chose what parts of the contract you want to enforce. If they didn't commit the crime they still allowed it to go on, its called accessary, you may know it by another term, turning a blind eye. What ever Hoffa does between now and election isn't going to be enough to placate the members of 952 because this just didn't happen its been an on going thing since M.