Local 952 wins again! Bye bye TDU!


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
lead do have a life outside this circle of embarrassment?? Union pride at the level of elementary school children


Well-Known Member
that was directed at people like you.. you do realize a divided union will disappear quicker
No :censored2:, I got TDU guys that lie to people and make stuff up for members to believe just to get votes. I will not stand for it. Have you listened to what realbrown1 has said? The guy he supports told people to "vote against Hoffa and get a free trip to Vegas". He lied about our healthcare and they say anyone is better because they can't get elected as stewards or officers..... Is that what you support? Look man I got no beef with you. They are wrong but if you are down with these cancers in my local they its on.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Don't take my word for it. Call the number on the back of your insurance card maroon.
I don't take your word for anything.

Your judgement sucks.

Your FACTS are crap.

And the people you follow don't have the best interests of the membership.

In other words, you are the fool of 952.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No :censored2:, I got TDU guys that lie to people and make stuff up for members to believe just to get votes. I will not stand for it. Have you listened to what realbrown1 has said? The guy he supports told people to "vote against H and get a free trip to Vegas". He lied about our healthcare and they say anyone is better because they can't get elected as stewards or officers..... Is that what you support? Look man I got no beef with you. They are wrong and if you are down with these cancers in my local they its on.
You keep saying that TDU lies.

You keep repeating that.

So I'll ask you for a 5th time, what lies are you referring to?

Accusing someone else of lying, and not pointing out what that lie is, yet alone not produce any evidence of that is making false accusations.

Is that what you are doing?


Well-Known Member
I don't take your word for anything.

Your judgement sucks.

Your FACTS are crap.

And the people you follow don't have the best interests of the membership.

In other words, you are the fool of 952.
So you won't call the back of your insurance card to prove your healthcare is not 80/20? You are really a maroon...... Do you even realize how dumb you sound? Thank you for providing further evidence Z is desperate and will take anyone.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So you won't call the back of your insurance card to prove your healthcare is not 80/20? You are really a maroon...... Do you even realize how dumb you sound? Thank you for providing further evidence Z is desperate and will take anyone.
Is that what you say EE lied about, or do you have another accusation?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Election of Officers

Section 2(a). At the International Convention, delegates shall nominate candidates for International Union Vice President by motion made in open Convention by a delegate and seconded by another delegate. No candidate shall make or second his own nomination. Candidates must accept floor nominations no later than at the time made. either in person or in writing. To qualify for the ballot as a candidate for Vice President, a candidate who has been nominated from the floor of the Convention must, thereafter, receive at least five (5%) percent of the votes cast by the delegates from the Region in which he is running or, in the case of at-large positions, by the delegate body as a whole. Such voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. In calculating the number of votes necessary for nomination for the ballot, any fraction shall be rounded to the next whole number. No member shall be a candidate for nomination to more than one (1) Vice President office.

You need to understand that rules govern the Teamsters convention and not your opinions. Besides, I really enjoy not telling you because I know it gets under your skin. Have a great day!
There is NO RULE that says you can't tell people who you are supporting.

Is there?


Well-Known Member
I don't take your word for anything.

Your judgement sucks.

Your FACTS are crap.

And the people you follow don't have the best interests of the membership.

In other words, you are the fool of 952.
You are wrong again. You are the fool and the majority of those that voted agree with me.