Local Unions Against TA and Local TA's???



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ups clerk

Well-Known Member
Hoax, still feel that this contract will pass with a large margin?

Not being smart, just wondering.
As much as I hate to say it, King, I think you are right. Just about everybody on this blog is giving resounding NO's. If everybody here really votes that way, and are passing this along to their fellow rank and file, it should NOT pass. However if the contract DOES pass, either everybody here was bs or the vote was fixed. I will lean toward the latter. I have been here almost 36 years and I have never seen a contract fail to pass no matter how strongly everybody felt against it.


Staff member
Remember, most people on an internet forum come to COMPLAIN.
What you read here comes from a tiny percentage of UPSers.
It SOUNDS like the TA will be voted down, but that's because the people who DON'T like something will always outnumber the people who DO on an internet forum.

I DON'T like the TA, but I feel the YES votes will win.