Look at what Diadlover got today.......


golden ticket member
To make a very hard operation and coordinated work load a little easier......why doesn't the company just give everyone 'gift cards' for a free turkey at their local grocery stores. No refrigeration required and no questionable conditions involving thawed turkeys. JMHO :)

driver's disgruntled wife

At least you got yours!

My husband's ticket was "misplaced" and they ran out of turkeys before the problem was resolved. Going out to buy a turkey right now (I hope there are some left at the store).

No surprise for us - his center manager has some issues, so we imagine she "lost" the ticket herself <g>....it's nice to know they are thinking of you.

I don't get a turkey at my job, but I do get respect from management...it's unfortunate UPS doesn't realize that treating employees badly is bad for the company, no matter how good the salary/benefits are.

My husband works so hard, it's a shame they messed it up :>(
So much for tradition.....


I took my turkey chit, ripped it up and threw it in the trash. The sup asked why and I told him if I didn"t deserve power steering I didn't deserve a turkey.

driver's disgruntled wife

Just an update....

thought you guys would appreciate it (and I feel better venting)....
seems almost NONE of the feeder drivers in my husband's center got their turkey......and nobody is saying what happened to all of them!

My husband believes some supervisor got credit for a huge donation- or there are a lot of happy temp employees out there.

Amazing, yes?

Have a Happy Christmas everyone!


Well-Known Member
I'm never going to stick my nose up or refuse a gift of food as there are too many hungry people in this world. I ate every part of my turkey. Turkey salad, turkey casserole, turkey sandwiches for 5 days. They money I saved alone on my food bill and lunches alonewas signifigant. But I think UPS should step it up in the Christmas gift department.

Broke back

I am on work comp and I have a 5lb weight restriction. If I picked up my 10lb
turkey, I would be fired.


Well-Known Member
In the early days of UPS, they gave the employees a gold $20.00 gold piece, in appreciation of the job they had done. Just a wild guess, but they probably only made that much a month back then. A months pay a Christmas would be a cool bonus, especially for the full timers.

According to the Cost Of Living Calculator on the American Institute for Economic Research site, $20.00 in 1913 (the earliest year they have on that calculator) is equivalent to $407.27 today.


I'm cooking mine today. I don't care if its a suck ass christmas gift( i actually happen to like it), I'll take what i can get from the company thats not know for its, shall we say "generosity" towards its employees?????

P.S., before someone from a competitor or management posts that we earn more than anyone else in the industry, let me just say this. If you're sick and dying of cancer and can't make it to work, UPS doesn't give a rats-ass about you. They make no donation to your future widow or famlily. But let's keep up those million dollar united way donations to people we don't know from Adam, and screw the people that have given the blood, sweat, and tears for years to the company

Interesting point. Maybe something we could set up somewhere down the road.

But don't piss on United Way for this reason.

I give to the muscular dystrophy association each year. Not because someone holds a gun to my head.

But because I have personally seen what ALS did to people near me.

And I personally saw how much help the muscular dystrophy association provided to them when they needed it. It was overwhelmingly positive.

In some cases the union did very little for those folks who had been loyal teamsters for a long time. Perhaps we should also bypass the union because they don't do enough.

Now I could be a jerk and say screw united way I'll give the money directly to MD but lets be honest.

I'm not driving down to MD every month and write that check. There will be months I get side tracked and forget.

With UW I don't have to worry about forgetting it happens automatically.

UW is meant to make it easier to collect those charitable dollars. When you make it easier they get more. When they get more then the cures will be quicker coming. If MD had to rely on everyone showing up each month and writing the check then they would get a heck of a lot less.

Its a charity folks, it ain't perfect but it works pretty darn well. Lets try to recognize that and stop hating UW because someone at UPS got a little overzealous when they asked you to give up your cigerette money for charity.


Well-Known Member
It's not United Way that people hate, it's the strong-arm tactics that UPS employs to get it's workers to contribute. I don't object to the donation, only the guilt trip that UPS uses on you to get the money.


Well-Known Member
Interesting point. Maybe something we could set up somewhere down the road.

But don't piss on United Way for this reason.

I give to the muscular dystrophy association each year. Not because someone holds a gun to my head.

But because I have personally seen what ALS did to people near me.

And I personally saw how much help the muscular dystrophy association provided to them when they needed it. It was overwhelmingly positive.

In some cases the union did very little for those folks who had been loyal teamsters for a long time. Perhaps we should also bypass the union because they don't do enough.

Now I could be a jerk and say screw united way I'll give the money directly to MD but lets be honest.

I'm not driving down to MD every month and write that check. There will be months I get side tracked and forget.

With UW I don't have to worry about forgetting it happens automatically.

UW is meant to make it easier to collect those charitable dollars. When you make it easier they get more. When they get more then the cures will be quicker coming. If MD had to rely on everyone showing up each month and writing the check then they would get a heck of a lot less.

Its a charity folks, it ain't perfect but it works pretty darn well. Lets try to recognize that and stop hating UW because someone at UPS got a little overzealous when they asked you to give up your cigerette money for charity.

Tie, I didn't mean to piss on the United Way. I happen to think its a charity worthy of mine and our fellow Upser's donations.

Regarding the United Way over the years, the center manager has held PCM's, invited guest speakers from the United Way, and brought in people that had assistance from them in the past. This is great! I don't mind giving a couple of bucks a week for a good cause.

The problem is I never heard a PCM or donation drive given from a center manager (or from any UPS management) to us drivers for someone in our own ranks in need or dying.

So the question is : why PCM and put so much effort into an organization that will help people you will never meet, yet not mention a word about the guy who worked for UPS for 25 years and is 50 years old dying of cancer with a wife who is going to live her next 25-30 years without her husbands income? Where is the PCM's and videos and meetings for the benefit of this guy?

Even when our fellow employees start a collection for a driver that fell on hard luck (cancer) , managment will never announce in the PCM that a collection is being held for said emloyee. This is what rubs me the wrong way.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I always do the collecting for an employee in need, but there is one problem. With the attrition of our employees, and the start times I dont see everyone, so I have been accused of being impartial on who I collect for. Ive been called the "mother" I have had 2 of id say 70 people, i have been accused of this. I know and have been told I am a nosy "person" but if someone is in need, the closest person to that person, should be the one to initiate it. I cant possibly know every persons need, even tho I am nosy, but I know UPS people care about their own as well as the united way people. Every one will give something, if they know. So my thought is tell the mother, or the father/ they will intiaite it, dont stand on the sidelines and bitch that someone is impartial. We care as much for the preload/loader as we do the driver, but we have to be aware. So speak up, tell us we will get it done. And although I know, yeah I know its against policy, i have seen mgrs and sups contribute, so shut up about it and give.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
When we "pass the hat" for a fellow driver in need, I noticed the management seems to put in more than the drivers. A lot of the drivers put in nothing at all. With the money we make, thats ridicules. It doesn't matter if I like or know the person at all, I pull my wallet out. We need to take care of our own.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
You are so right, if we dont have each other, besides churches, who do we have. I have seen a few of those people, but not many, especially if its someone who has been through it, ive noticed lots of 50s and 100s if you give them a day or two, the only ones who dont give is the ones who do not know what life can dish out yet, and usually they give coz theyve seen it. But I will say my mgmt, no matter who its been, even if I dont particularly care for them, do give big, and to their credit, as by UPS law, they should not be involved. It does give me more respect. And when I hear you didnt collect for me, I say, yeah you were off for "some unmentionable reason" and we didnt think it appropriate, such as being fired for a serious legal, not ups, reason. The only 2 I can think of. It does not matter if its a buck or 5, everything counts when its a hard time.


Although its a nice gesture on everyones part do donate to someones family after an untimely death,the money raised may be helpful and appreciated but never is it enough to
accomplish much.I`d be up for an employee fund that helps people over time.The united way is a good cause,and most of us give .How about a plan that everyone(optional) donates $2 a month for current or recent employees
that UPS matches to create a help bank for people that run into adversity from injury or death.

please give to the ups benevolence fund


Tie, I didn't mean to piss on the United Way. I happen to think its a charity worthy of mine and our fellow Upser's donations.

The problem is I never heard a PCM or donation drive given from a center manager (or from any UPS management) to us drivers for someone in our own ranks in need or dying.

Brownie I like your idea . Maybe set up a fund for our people like we did after Hurricane Katrina?