Let me be devils advocate. Do you think you treated them with respect when you lied to them about the contract.
You could have said "I don't mean any disrespect but i really don't think that is any of your business"
Or you could have told them that you were still thinking about it. Or you could have told them that you didn't like it for whatever reasons.
The worst thing that would have happened here is you might have gotten into a dialogue with those people who you say have treated you with respect about why they feel it might be a good deal for you.
It does not hurt to expose yourself to both perspectives.
Next question did you attend your contract review at your local union hall and listen to your representatives explain why they agreed to this offer?
i tried to engage my boss in a discussion over the contract, he said he couldnt talk about it and my shop steward walked by, heard my questions and said that i was not to talk about the contract with anyone from management, apparently its a conflict on interest and a greivable offense