Engorged Member
Thanks for pointing that out!!!Very embarrassing.
I misspoke ... I meant to say individual freedom beliefs of the Liberals.
I certainly don't think Libertarians would ever support the Socialist programs of the Liberals.
Somehow I imagine you do not focus on individual freedom but rather the control of others to make them conform to your beliefs.
Here's a few items that drive me wild with Libertarians.
1. Charter Schools--"Choice" really means opening the door to re-inserting religion back into the schools.
2. Funding for the Arts--Libertarians seems to think it's all a waste. Not surprising.
3. Charity--Libertarians are big believers in private charity. The problem with that is that the churches and private donors cannot begin to fill the need. On a percentage basis, the wealthy don't donate a high percentage of their incomes, and the rest of us can't afford to.
4 Privatize Everything--This really dumb because there are certain programs that will never be privatized because there is no profit in it, and others that should never be privatized for moral reasons. State mental care would be an example of the former and prisons the latter. There have already been problems with bought-off judges filling privately-run prisons with inmates that should never be there.
5. Let It Burn---If you want public services such as fire and police protection, you need to pay for it on an individual basis. Sorry, but these are public problems that need to be handled by public employees, whom you'd love to eliminate because they (in your opinion) are overpaid leeches that could be replaced for less money. We've already seen Libertarian practices in action with rural fire department that have let homes burn to the ground because the homeowner didn't pay their "subscription".
6 It's All About The Money--- That's the bottom line. Who cares who lives or dies as long as you've got yours, right? After all, all that person with cancer or some other disabling condition has to do is try harder and pull themselves up by their boot straps, right? This is wrong on so many levels, because the opportunity playing field is not level. You can "try hard" forever and never make-it.
7. The Free Market--The "free market" will correct everything, because it's a "perfect" mechanism to monitor our economic behavior. This means that Juan down at McDonalds making $8.00 per hour can someday own his own franchise that costs about $2 million to obtain. This would never happen, but Libertarians hold out the carrot that "everyone" can be successful if they just try. BS.
I could go on. Hoaxter, I respect your intellect, but I really think you're mis-guided when it comes to Libertarianism. It will never come to be, and "works" only in a hypothetical sense under perfect conditions that would never occur in the real world.