golden ticket member
"the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."Wikipedia disagrees.
"the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."Wikipedia disagrees.
"the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."
Wikipedia disagrees.
Major General in the Revolutionary War.
Well you don't get to cite the "Founding Fathers" and then discard the ones you disagree with.
Looks like Hamilton won the day. Or at least 200 years.
That's the same kind of fear mongering that went on during welfare reform. Democrats claimed there would be rioting in the streets. On a factual note, catching health problems early is far cheaper.
Hey, Mr. there suppose to be a link??????????????????????????
I truly appreciate the effort 804brown ... you are a thoughtful poster that makes me think.
With that said ...
I did not equate Liberals with Socialists ... I referred to Socialist Programs. What is a Socialist Program? Any program where the the government provides good and services that could be provided by the private sector.
A couple of things that could not (should not) be logically provided by the private sector are National Defense and Police Forces.
Ayn Rand was an Objectivist not a Libertarian - there are several differences and the most important one is that Objectivism is a philosophy and not a political concept of a government.
Libertarians can point to a real life Libertarian world and that is the USA at the point of creation before the Hamiltonians started to muck up the works.
Some of the C9ers (I do not know if I ever qualified to fit the C9 Group, but I have conservative values)
have been berated for referencing Fox News, or accused of obtaining items from Fox News.
Most likely this post, and a few others are from Reader Supported News
So for future reference, one can check RSN.
FOCUS: Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
That was bit tongue-in-cheek. I know his history well and his influence of the form of government that eventually was put in via the US Constitution.
I understand he wrote much of the Federalist papers on the side that supported a Centralized National government and that he misleadingly named his side the Federalists (he did not believe in a Federal form of government). He wanted the United States to be a monarchy and he himself desired to be the king of the United States. (A bit of the political rhetoric from those times).
Hamilton was the self-proclaimed head of the "true Anti-Federalist" forces in America during the formative years of the US Constitution and he was a chief opponent of the Articles of Confederation which did not support a strong national Government and did not support a National Bank which eventually led to the Fed we have today.
The Bill of Rights were put in place to protect the rest of the country from Alexander Hamilton and his followers who wanted to set up a British type of government in America ... keeping in mind that Britain was a Monarchy at that time.
I do agree if it had not been Hamilton, someone else would have stepped in and taken the flag for the Federalist party ... however, he was the figurehead and therefore gets all the blame.
I have read a couple of books about Hamilton and at least one each of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison are are universally agreed to be the main Founding Fathers. Many don't consider Hamilton to be a Founding father because his ideas are so different from the other Founding Fathers.
Sounds like the only difference between Hamilton and today's "ruling class" is that Hamilton was honest about his ambitions and disdain for the common folk.Hamilton was a big supporter of america's "new aristocracy": "All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. the first are the rich and well born, the other the mass of the people. The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of god; and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed it is not true in fact. the people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distincet permanent share in the government...Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy."
This guy wanted a president and senate chosen for life!! He like most of his time were afraid of the people. While in the name of establishing a decent and orderly society, their true goal was to replace the british aristocracy with an american aristocracy to maintain their privileges. Hamilton and others were not in favor of democracy!!
There is no doubt that certain souces are biased, but Fox News is anything but "fair and balanced". They have repeatedly run misleading or outright false stories, and their overall credibility as a journalistic organization is very low. Simply put, Fox News is mostly entertainment. If O'Reilly or Hannity don't have facts to support their opinions, they make them up or take a snippet of a story and warp it completely out of context. There is little integrity or honesty with Fox. They are all about the money, and exploiting their audience for maximum profit. Just like Rush and Beck, they put on a isn't news or journalism because the bias is so heavily to the Right.
Sure, MSNBC and their cast of characters are biased in the other direction. But at least they have the journalistic integrity to report facts instead of fiction.