Well-Known Member
Don't worry we beat it to death.....I thought
That's what I thought.
Don't worry we beat it to death.....I thought
Don't worry we beat it to death.....I thought
That's what I thought.
That's just the problem NE, the more you make a bad route look ok, the less incentive the management has to fix the real problem.
In the last year, nearly all the routes in our center has lost an hour on the allowances. I don't worry about running over anymore because the more you run under the more they are going to cut back on time.
So your saying commercial routes are fine to run the lunch or take it at the end and residential ones are not?
That really doesn't make much sense with your whole argument.
Every day we are talked to about taking our lunches. Heck I've got a warning letter for not.
I tell them once in the morning the route will not work as is. That is their shot to fix it. If they don't? My family is way more important to me then to stay out and "teach" them a lesson. So I get home an hour earlier then normal on those days.
I'm a cover driver....they are not going to fix anything for me.
Every day we are talked to about taking our lunches. Heck I've got a warning letter for not.
I tell them once in the morning the route will not work as is. That is their shot to fix it. If they don't? My family is way more important to me then to stay out and "teach" them a lesson. So I get home an hour earlier then normal on those days.
I'm a cover driver....they are not going to fix anything for me.
Actually, this will fix things for you and everyone else. Being a cover driver doesn't mean that you're supposed to blast through someone's route, get done and go home early. It means you're covering a route that a driver runs a certain way. If that route is loaded to the hilt and you find yourself unable to take your full lunch, you need to state this to mgmt. The problem that you're not fixing today, will be the problem that you have back in your lap when you go full time. The human body is not made to work so long without a breather. Be a good cover driver now, and a better driver later. You'll feel better in the long run.
Dude...give me a freaken break. I get the same route the regular driver gets. They are not going to fix it for me, they don't fix it for him.
It the regular driver wants to take his lunch at the end of the day so be it. I'm not going to....
Those people are no better then how I do it.
Then I guess you're covering the route of a guy that was a cover driver just like you, and will have that to look forward to when you go full time. Enjoy your just desserts.
I AM full-time. Some of you guys amaze really do. Staying out late does not fix the problem. You just stay out late. I see it all the time. This way I am always on the lunch report. THAT they want fixed.
If you consider late, 1730/1800 there's a problem. Like I said, I take lunch at 1430-1530 daily. doesn't matter how many stops off or anything. I'd prefer to have all my stops off by then of course, but if I don't it's okay.
What I was trying to express to you is this. You cover a guys route. You smoke that route. That route is a bear to begin with and will never be fixed because mgmt thinks the regular driver is dawdling. This will happen to every route you cover. Change takes time and I understand that you don't want to wait around and see this change. That's fine, I'm just glad you're not in my center, smoking my route.
I agree that a warning is called for. But at the same time i have an employee out right now for a dishonest act and they are fighing it all the way to panel. What the employee did was stupid he admits it, did not benefit from it and should be back to work with a nice smack on the hand.
But it is hard to cut a break to the same management team that wont do the same in return.