Make the Teamsters dangerous again


Well-Known Member
I just got a Best Buy delivery from Roadie (UPS). I wonder if there will be an effort to unionoze them? UPS Supply Chain Solutions is another one.
Somebody would have to stand up for the PT'ers---lord knows they would never stand up for themselves. That's been proven since the beginning of UPS.
It helps when somebody actually talks to PT'ers for something other than trying to get their vote -- I've got a pretty good business agent, but info can be hard to come by, especially for our Hub in a Box, since PT'ers and the drivers never even see each other...

Get to know your loaders...


Well-Known Member
It helps when somebody actually talks to PT'ers for something other than trying to get their vote -- I've got a pretty good business agent, but info can be hard to come by, especially for our Hub in a Box, since PT'ers and the drivers never even see each other...

Get to know your loaders...
Do you go to general membership meeting each month?


Our Union Meetings are on Saturdays. I guess Saturday workers aren't important.
When I was a T-S driver I talked w my stew and BA and we got a Sunday meeting off the ground specifically for UPS Teamsters working on Saturdays. Turnout wasn't terrible and there was a lot of enthusiasm and discussion. Then Covid happened. We have had 1 more Sunday meeting since, and the BA plans to schedule some more next year.

You should suggest your local do the same. Get other coworkers to suggest it too so your reps know there's interest.


Well-Known Member
Ours are in the middle of the week and start before most of us are done delivering.
Ours are the 3rd Thursday or every month at 730pm. Not hard to make it if you really want to. Can always use a 8 hour day. Though we do have I believe 3 or 4 on a Sunday at a location further north to make it easier on members that live up there.


Senior Member
Probably not. They get union protection so they’re probably entitled to the benefits as well. Bad look for the teamsters if they cut them off.
As far as I’m concerned, you may have the right to work but you should also be on your own as far as union representation is concerned. Leave them at the mercy of the company.
Never needed, or asked for, union protection from 1986 to 2014.
Mercy me.
I just did my job as professionally as I could and followed the rules of employment.
It was 19yrs before I ever called in sick and it was the only day in 28 and1/2 years.
I realize that I am a mid last century relic and was raised with work ethics.


Well-Known Member
Everyone seems to be complaining about what time or what day general membership meetings are held. So what's a good day and time for every member of a local to make it to a meeting? I think a lot of you forget that your local is more than just UPS. Though yes I know some locals are pretty much just UPS.