All these people saying no to making ups a career suck it. Yeah if you can't make it in preload beachside you think it's too hard your a pusillanimous. Part time has the best health insurance out there, better than any job you'll ever get or trade. 10 dollar co pay. Can't beat the dental 100% paid for. Cover drive after two years or less at some locations. Making $30.70/hr anything over 8 hours in a day is time in a half. So that extra hour or two you work you're making 46.00/hr. Go find that at any other job. Anybody that is telling you not to to make UPS your career especially Soo young. Go for it, you never know by the time you are 21-22 years old with no education or student loans you could be making 80-100k per year. With killer health insurance. paid holidays, double time and a half if you work on holiday. Starting pay as part time 11.50 or some shot like that, guaranteed raise every year. 4 option weeks paid, 4 weeks vacation time paid, 40 option hours paid. 5 option days paid. Most major holidays we get off and still get paid for it. Protected by union so almost impossible to lose your job unless you're just sorry, lazy or a thief. But take UPS as a career I wish I started at age 18. I waited till I was 26 before I decided to, went to trade school, has student loans. UPS is free and the hard work is worth it. Once you start driving yeah it's hard some days, but not everyday. And at the end of the day you just made $300+, not counting the tremendous benefits we got. TAKE THE JOB AT UPS. Some of the management at some locations still try to run it like it's still in the 90's but just work hard and never let em see you sweat!!!
IN LOVING MEMEORY OF BRIAN AND DOUG HUTCHINSON THE VICTIMS OF THE ROEBUCK, AL Location, those two managers were the best. We will all love and miss you both!!