Tie, what the hell do you expect. From your posts, you really do seem like a manager that most drivers would love to have on their management team. Im sure that much of the bs that drivers and hub alike have to deal with come from several levels above or from corporate. This company has had the same management style for the last 100 years, Do what we say, even if it is contrary to making money or else...period. Yes, this company had done well. I think some management credit the "do it or else" management style for the growth where the early growth was because of no competion and that the post office lacked services. There has never been any solid effort to ask drivers or local area management for ideas on how to grow the business. Remember tla's, at least you could spend an hour a year year asking questions about the company and give ideas about certain aspects of the company...not any more. One could say that the ERI is an effective way of relaying to the conpany different things but that probably is used more for you management bonuses and as a excuse to not give you a good bonus for having a failing score....again more excuses. This post could go on and on, people dont care about this company like they should. Going public was a problem, spending absured millions on a failed pas system, competition certanly is a problem even though some drivers are willing to bust their ass harder to get more volume without any help from management. It goes on and on and on. Tie another thing that i have seen in 14 years here is the lost of any responsibility of the center manager in any decisions of day to day business. At one time, center teams were the ones that dictated the amounts of routes run. And by no means did they put in extras unless they were needed. Not anymore. This is all forced by IE, without even going into a center and seeing the volume not being able to fit into cars. Im really surprised that some ideas about this company arent changing. The driver- customer relationship really isnt utilized to its fullest potential. Local management-drivers relationships are poor at best. Feeder-Pkg management seem to disagree about different things along with two different types of management styles, at least in my area. Tie, if you had 5 things that you could change about this company, that would they be. Your the ceo here for a day, These are things that have to be realistic and could be implemented within a year or so. I really would like to know what you think. This is not a personal bash from prior posts you seem like a manager I would like to have on my team.