Management Buy-out and Pension cut


Well-Known Member
been there, there is a building in my district that every christmas tears one side of the buildind out, yes out. They run rollers out to lines of cars in the parking lot. Then they put up tarps and such to try to keep the wind out. After peak they have contractors put up fresh sheetmetal and insulation. Can you believe it. Many of our damages are not comming from people but from pkgs comming off the belts. I see it EVERYDAY. Our building, 200 cars, was built in mid 80s but was outgrown 3 years later. Look in the competion news, fedex is building new ground buildings. They are looking at things 10 years down the road. I always thought ups did this kind of thinking. ups volume IS growing regardless what "others" are saying. Your right we need room. For those that dont know, ups owns vast acres of real estate across the country for "future growth" why arent they utilizing this land??


QUOTE from Eskew

Q. Are there any specifics you want to brag about? Like how U.P.S. has year-over-year revenue growth of 15.8 percent, compared with an industry average of 4.2 percent?
A. I don’t do that. The best part of the business is the people in the brown suits: they’re better than any in the world.

Obviously,Mike knows that its us that have made us grow.
I dont see the deviation from the original Jim Casey plan as positive.

He`s probobly going to retire soon so what does he care.

leaving on a jet plane

So does this mean retirement for all the lowly supervisors will be raised to 57, 59 or 62 or whatever. This seems really fair. Some of us have worked the trenches doing hard time for 30 plus years and are just a few months from being able to retire. Now what?? It seems like upper level is selling everyone out. This surely can't be true.


Well-Known Member
all you management on here are learning what us hourly have known for years. 1st, Ups doesnt care about you hourly OR MANAGEMENT. 2ND, no job is 100% secure, hourly OR MANAGRMENT.

Load Stand

all you management on here are learning what us hourly have known for years. 1st, Ups doesnt care about you hourly OR MANAGEMENT. 2ND, no job is 100% secure, hourly OR MANAGRMENT.

Agree with part two here (no job is 100% secure)...disagree with part one though....IF UPS did not care (granted an employer can only do so much), they would not provide you the high level of benefits that they if you want to bash another employer, try FedEX or DHL....the FedEx contractor scheme truly is a situation in which an employer does not care about you....and the benefit levels for each of those employers (FedEx & DHL) should clarify to you which employer does truly care! The Casey set-up has been great..I fear that others are not playing by the same rules and causing us all this grief....


all you management on here are learning what us hourly have known for years. 1st, Ups doesnt care about you hourly OR MANAGEMENT. 2ND, no job is 100% secure, hourly OR MANAGRMENT.

LOL. There’s nothing about UPS that you know that the newest part time supervisor doesn’t know.

I realize you don’t like to hear it though.

Don’t worry about management. They’ll be taken care of to varying degrees – hence the buyout rumors, for instance.

You won’t.

That’s the difference (and it’s a big one).

They’ll accept their buyout (or not) and still won’t be prevented from buying that vacation home in Colorado or the Lexus for the wife for Christmas.

They can sit at home on their butts and collect six figures worth of dividends every year just as easily as they can do it working.

Don’t lose sleep worrying about management.

You’re going to be whining for table scraps and there aren’t going to be any when management gets done IMO. Funny how that works.


who are you and where do you work Newyorker? didn't you ever hear of the employee portal? it's a wealth of information...


Well-Known Member

Just curious........when is the company coming after you?
Are you as secure as you would like to be?

Not trying to be a smart ###, just a foreboding?


when the time comes, I will be ready! There are no free rides, and if I am not doing the best that I can I don't deserve to be spared. However, this is the year of the female at UPS so it might take a little longer than normal...


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm not Tie, but I am a manager and I have a few ideas I'd like to throw out. #1. Increase capacity in our hubs. We need some new hub facilities in key areas that can process large amounts of volume per hour to handle the growth we need in our ground network. The new hubs we build need to be automated for many reasons including reducing the need of PT hourly which we usually have in short supply.
#2. Increase capacity in our Air network. We have intentionally not bid on certain contracts because our air network couldn't handle the extra volume. Granted this was a customer that is a retail customer so the volume would have been huge at peak, which is a strained system as it is. Capacity is needed in terms of both lift (total pkgs we can handle) and in pickup time. By pickup I mean additional small gateways so that our pkg ctrs in some areas can have later pickup times to compete with FDX. #3. Dividend. To pay for the above 2 items, I would have brought the dividend back to where it was (almost 1/2). I'd rather take the money spent in dividends and put it back into long term investment in the company. This will pay off in long term dividends for UPS vs short term cash dividends. #4. Conference Calls - Get rid of more then half of them. Most operations mgrs in the centers don't pay attention to them since they are a rehash of what they already know. (at least for the good ones). Let the mgrs spend more time on running and growing their business. #5. This last one wouldn't be popular. But I'd want to get more PT Drivers. We have a great need based on our customers demand of early delivery and late pickup. I'd want to have a PT driver work to deliver both ground and air in the morning. Another PTer using the same car as in the AM to work Pickup of ground\air. The above was my CEO for the day suggestions. I have a sixth idea. We need to work with our people to find a good long term solution for the pension problem covered by Teamster plans. I am not suggesting a bail out. But our people who have worked long and hard deserve a comfortable retirement. I truly believe that enough money was set aside for a good pension for our people but it has been mismanaged. For too long UPS management wasn't involved in sitting on the boards of the Teamster pension plans. I don' t know the answer. But this needs to be dealt with immediately.

Item #1: AMEN, PREACH IT! Also totally agree about the automation, been there with that for over 10 years. I'm a huge believer in automation.

Item #2: They have heard that one since Worldport is under expansion at this moment to almost double hourly capacity throughput. Go to the Plant Engineering Corp. Homepage and you'll see the details on that.

Item #3: That move would be preceeded by making us private again. Wall Street would never tolerate cutting the dividend for company reinvestment. Buy back all the stock outside UPSer hands and hang anyone who opposes our will!

Item #4: I see conference calls as nothing more than non-operations people (can you say IE, Finance, Accounting) making work for themselves so they can justify their existence. Without the calls their need would either be most obvious or they would be forced out of the office and into the real world to not only see how things really are :-)censored: up!) and to either join in and help fix them or don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Item #5: Boy this is a tough one. The pros are several as it would allow the company to quickly react to a customer who waits until 6 pm to call for a delivery and under the current the system at that point only the badly overdispatched drivers are still out, (you know the ones that kill themselves and get dumped on even more by management) or the slackers who ride the dog for all it's worth (the reason the hardworkers are overdispatched) butthe point is let the drivers who have been at it all day get out and get home for a life and let the PT driver clean up the scraps till 9 pm plus. Under the current situation, you've got very late loads hitting the Twi/local sorts thus having a negative effect on time-n-transit network at the very beginning of the journey and it's those overworked hubs, either at the origin or at the intermediate hubs who really fell the ill effects of this. Intermediate hub with 30 unload doors and 130 total loads with 60 on property and able to process the first 2 hours of the sort and the remaining 70 loads not hitting property until the 3rd hour of the sort. Hey hub rats, sound familar? Also with PT drivers you could use this as a training ground for the future FT drivers. For the PT it would offer a kind of "route with training wheels" so that when they make the move FT it's an easier transition. You also place the PTer is some driver scenarios and you weed out the slugs up front with a longer window and more scenarios to observe the PTer's ability to do the job.

The Con? Management abuse of using this mechanism not for what it was designed but rather as a tool to cover up their own lack of ability to manage a business. Cut a route and put 3 pters out on the road to cut cost or increase SPORH but in reality to the big picture it actually costs the company more money. You look good while you gut your partner downstream and the customer. Look above at that intermediate hub scenario again if you doubt that thinking. This all may sting somewhat but truth hurts pal!

I really like every one of your ideas, it's just a damn shame you'll never be given the chance to try them out! Need more managers thinking like you.

stingray AJ

stingray AJ
I hate to say this but they need to get rid of some mangement.. Our center runs alot of days without management their., and we do really welll, without them?????


Well-Known Member
Ok, I give, what in the world is a Portal? You guys are starting to sound like you belong in a "Matrix" movie or something.

Can anybody have excess or is it designed for the selected few and really what information is on it?