Whatever happened to "Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Great thought....My thought was that this policy might give a good management person the final incentive they need to quit smoking.
UPS is just following what CVS and other companies are presently doing CVS started this trend in March of 2013.
Maybe they can give us back our turkeys with smoking surcharge fee. oops that would cut into teh bottom line for wall street and we can have that with our current bean counting regime at the helm
First off, I'friend UPS really cared so damn much how come its grounds are not smoke/tobacco free environments?
How come the break areas still have the containers for the smokers cigarette butts?
If it can't get part time management now how are they going to get it in the future?
UPS is just following what CVS and other companies are presently doing CVS started this trend in March of 2013.
CVS didn't start this trend, nor did it begin in 2013; companies have been charging larger premiums to those who smoke and/are obese since the late 1990s (but I'm surprised it took 23 posts for somebody to blame ObamaCare). My dad's company started to do this in 1997, when I was a HS freshman. The first year of the program, everybody covered had to go to a designated clinic for a wellness exam that checked for signs of tobacco, obesity, etc. In subsequent years, you self-reported but were subject to an audit exam at any time. At the time, I was slightly overweight -- literally a few pounds overweight -- but it kicked my entire family off the a no-cost option onto a costly option and my dad -- who made good money and should've picked the costlier option anyway -- was absolutely livid with me.
Initially, most of these insurance programs used passive verbiage -- such as "now be rewarded for living a healthy lifestyle by enjoying significant discounts off your health insurance" [this never was the case] but now most are using more punitive language such as "if you smoke or are obese, you cost us more so now you'll pay more." Note that some companies are now DROPPING those who smoke from their insurance altogether. I have not seen that for obesity, though. Honestly, I've never agreed with these programs ... many people who don't smoke (or smoke so casually it's undetectable / they don't report it) live unhealthy lifestyles with alcoholism & other poor habits, that ultimately cost the system as much.
Did you know that people who smoke or are obese actually incur less health care costs over the course of their lifetimes? It's because they die much earlier.
I highly doubt UPS management cares. They're just trying to recover some of the additional $$$ they spend on smokers' health.
As for PT sups... the percentage of young people smoking has dropped to about 20% (same as overall average) and is heavily concentrated in certain regions; also, few are married. UPS will get by.
Had to pay for the new union contract, some how................. oh wait, I mean that gosh darn ObamaCare...
Keep pushing the wonderful Obamacare that over 70% of American's want it repealed --this is even before the forced buy in and fines. Wait until the Low informed voter who is living in his parents basement because of lack of jobs opportunity --turn 27 and realizes that he MUST purchase Healthcare,.
Also makes me laugh for years the left has been screaming about the high cost of people without healthcare going to emergency rooms-----Now the gang of eight along with the vote in the Senate --want to grant legal status to illegal immigrant workers ---make them not eligible for Obamacare --and therefore have the 12 million plus added family members --maybe as high as 25 million people --off to the emergency rooms --gotta love it !!![]()
Re "Twinkies return to the shelf, have a solid mult-week run, then sales plummet after people rememberI'd love to live in your world.
Alex Rodriguez is released from the NY Yankees ... ObamaCare!
Tim Tebow replaces Tom Brady ... ObamaCare!
Twinkies return to the shelf, have a solid mult-week run, then sales plummet after people remember why they stopped eating them to begin with ... ObamaCare!
bagels, Keep pushing the wonderful Obamacare that over 70% of American's want it repealed:
Island1fox... Obamacare or no Obamacare. The biggest issue is time after time after time UPS has taken away from mgmt espescially those at Mgr level or below. This is just the latest of a long line of takeaways. UPS started pushing the cost to non union years before Obama was even a US Senator. So it's not Obamacare that started this. Also, it's always the mgmt team that is taking it on the chin. With this last contract that the teamsters are screaming about they still do not have to deal with money taken out of their paycheck for paying a portion of the health care cost. The teamsters spouses who work will still be on their insurance. Aaaargh.