They've had better insurance than us the past 5 years too.
I think we need to be careful on what we make noise about. I am a smoker and I do not fault them in the slightest for wanting to force the issue. Quite frankly, it'll probably help my efforts in quitting. But just because I smoke doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge the fact that smoking and tobacco related health problems cause the industry billions every year.
I DO have a problem with the fact that they are considering e-cigarettes as a 'tobacco product' and will enforce the surcharge if you use them. That is plain old short sightedness and blissful ignorance on whomever wrote these policies. There is NOTHING tobacco related in an e-cig. E-cigarettes are just as much a smoking cessation method as the gum, patches, or pills. They kept me from smoking real cigarettes for 3 months until I ran out of the fluid and have been too lazy to order more. Everything in an e-cig is some sort of medical grade or food grade, FDA approved substance that is deemed ok for ingestion. E-cigs are what I planned on using to be able to be free from REAL cigarettes by Sept. 1st...
But to my point...we ultimately need to make as much noise as possible about the "Spouse Clause"....After everything that has slowly been stripped away from our management compensations, they decide to decimate the ONE thing that we could use as a solid reason to validate WHY we decide to commit so much of our time, stress, and efforts towards this company. "At least my family is taken care of" longer for many people. Personally, this doesn't affect me FOR my wife works for a small medical practice and doesn't get offered coverage. But the implications of this and the thousands of people that will be negatively impacted is unacceptable. This is the biggest kick in the nuts that UPS has given the management since things have been going down hill....yet they fail to address the mountains of negative feedback about it so far.
Again, if we try to make some noise about anything, we need to focus on the spouse coverage problem and let the smoking surcharge be as it may...